Red Bull Stratos

All camera systems being used for the Red Bull Stratos mission have been personally designed and developed by the mission's director of high-altitude photography, Jay Nemeth of FlightLine Films. One of only a handful of "zero-G" qualified cameramen, Jay Nemeth has logged zero-gravity flights for various projects, including a shoot with Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin. In addition to being comfortable in zero-G and high-G environments, he is familiar with the specific camera systems that work well in these conditions.

FlightLine Films offers long-range optical tracking, zero-gravity qualified crews and HD cameras for use in the cold vacuum of space, as well as housings that allow traditional motion picture cameras to operate in that hostile environment.

Camera and communications systems are essential to establish visual contact with Felix Baumgartner, to document the mission's progress in real time and for future review, and to broadcast the images to a global audience.


•Nine high-definition cameras
•Three 4K (4,000 x 2,000-pixel) digital cinematography cameras
•Three high-resolution digital still cameras
•Pressurized electronics "keg" containing more than 125 electronic components and approximately two miles of wiring
•Three small high-definition video cameras: one on each thigh and one on Felix's chest pack

The Red Bull Stratos camera system configuration is unique. Most cameras required modification or special electrical and thermal systems to function in near space.
•Cameras have trouble working in extreme cold and extreme heat, as well as in a near vacuum. All cameras have been tested in a special chamber that simulates the conditions of high altitude and space. Where necessary, cameras have been placed in custom pressurized housings designed and built by FlightLine Films and Micar Fabrication & Design Company. When filled with nitrogen gas, the housings simulate the environment on Earth.
•Four of the capsule cameras are space-rated units attached to the exterior base, eight are in the pressurized housings also on the exterior, and three are interior. All will be remotely controlled from the Mission Control Center.
•The capsule's nine advanced HD cameras each individually record to solid-state RAM (random-access memory) recorders, and each is also routed to one of three digital video transmitters for live viewing on Earth.
•Special filters are used on some of the Red Bull Stratos cameras because the brightness of the sun is more intense in the upper stratosphere.
•It is anticipated that some of the cameras inside the Red Bull Stratos capsule will be covered in ice upon touchdown.
•The suit cameras must function in near-space conditions for up to 20 minutes, as well as at supersonic speed and in any orientation (upside-down, sideways, etc.).
•The Red Bull Stratos capsule and Felix Baumgartner's pressure suit have more HD cameras than most 45-foot television production trucks.
•A typical satellite uplink truck has one or two channels of microwave video. The Red Bull Stratos capsule has three.

To achieve a live broadcast from 23 miles above the Earth, an optical ground tracking camera system was developed with features ranging from infrared to high-definition cameras. This system is called the "Joint Long-range Aerospace Imaging and Relay": JLAIR. Two JLAIR units are used for the Red Bull Stratos project.

The JLAIR's primary imaging equipment includes:
•High-definition P2 camera (up to 60 frames per second)
•4K (4,000 x 2,000-pixel) camera (up to 120 frames per second in 2K mode)
•Shortwave infrared camera
•Digital still camera
The JLAIR Optical Tracking System offers capabilities not previously available to the private space industry or production companies:
•It carries a variety of high-power zoom lenses and large telescopes attached to an 8,000-pound motorized pedestal, previously used to track Space Shuttle launches.
•The control room allows technicians to select the best images available and transmit them in real time to Mission Control and/or broadcast viewers.
•JLAIR 1 is the first fully integrated tracking system on one vehicle chassis that includes an optics payload of over 1,000 pounds, an air-conditioned control room, an on-board generator for the tracker and sub-systems, and encoding and satellite transmission of HD video.
•JLAIR 2 shares the same features but employs a traditional trailer-mounted pedestal with separate control truck for mission flexibility.

All of the above camera systems being used for the Red Bull Stratos mission have been personally designed, developed and tested by the mission's director of aerospace photography, Jay Nemeth. Jay has worked as an aerial cinematographer for over 25 years and is one of only a handful of "zero-G" qualified cameramen with full-pressure suit experience. His company, FlightLine Films, provides leading-edge astro cinematography services, offering both advanced technology and outstanding aesthetic results.

Since 1984, Las Vegas-based FlightLine Films has been providing aviation customers and motion picture producers with the highest quality in aerospace cinematography services. The company has pioneered visual documentation systems for the private and commercial space programs advancing into the 21st century. FlightLine offers zero-gravity qualified crews and HD cameras for use in the cold vacuum of space, as well as housings that allow traditional motion picture cameras to operate in that hostile environment.


In the air during much of Felix Baumgartner's mission will be a tracking helicopter equipped with a Cineflex camera that is stabilized with a gyro system for precision optics to a sub-pixel level.

The single-engine helicopter has been modified with a custom mission package that includes:
•One Cineflex V14 HD carrying an advanced HD video camera with a 13.5x42 lens that is fully gyro-stabilized
•Two interior HD cameras
•Three HD recorders
•A 2GHZ microwave transmitter
•A 16-port HD switcher
•Programmable FM communications radios
The helicopter's system allows tracking of both Felix and the capsule, with display of the resulting image on a moving map that shows the helicopter's own relative position. That moving map image can be displayed to Mission Control to increase situational awareness, and it enables this tracking helicopter to guide the recovery helicopter to Felix's landing site. For Felix's second stratospheric test jump, the helicopter was assigned to capture HD aerial footage of Felix under his parachute and during landing to transmit live via microwave to Mission Control; as well as to track the capsule and capture the first aerial shots of the vessel descending under its cargo parachute, enabling assessment of how the capsule sustains landing in potentially rough terrain. With additional seating capacity, the helicopter typically also carries a still photographer to capture even more images for the mission.


The Red Bull Stratos tracking helicopter is provided by Airborne Images and manned by aerial director Carston Belland pilot Aaron Fitzgerald, who is the company's founder, president and CEO. Together, the two have more than 30 years of experience in film and television aviation. A former U.S. Army paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division with a passion for both flying and photography, Aaron possesses flying experience encompassing motor racing support, external load and offshore support. He also serves as a demonstration pilot, including performances with the Red Bull Air Force demonstration team.

Airborne Images is a full-service aerial production company that has provided service to Red Bull Stratos that began during pressure suit and parachute system development and continues through test and training jumps to the final mission. In addition, the Los Angeles-based company serves the motion picture industry worldwide with helicopters, airplanes, pilots, gyro-stabilized camera systems, aerial directors of photography, stunt coordinators and a comprehensive range of additional aerial production resources.


The entire communications solution for Red Bull Stratos is provided by industry leader Riedel Communications.


The ground-based communications system encompasses two main applications:

Communications and Video/data transmission and distribution.


Riedel provides the communications infrastructure on-site. This includes the entire compound: Mission Control, the production offices, the Media/Press Center and the outside broadcasting (OB) truck are integrated into one single communications infrastructure via a Riedel Artist Digital Matrix system. Artist is a fiber-based communications solution that offers highly flexible, reliable decentralized and communications in broadcast-quality audio.

Furthermore, the on-site digital radio network (MOTOTRBO), with its 100 devices and ten channels, is not only provided by Riedel but also seamlessly integrated into the wired matrix intercom system. This means radios can directly talk to users (e.g., in the Mission Control center or the production office) and vice versa.


All video signals on the ground are distributed and routed with Riedel's MediorNet technology. MediorNet is a fiber-based real-time network for HD video, audio, communications and data signals that also provides integrated processing, for extraordinarily efficient installation and maintenance. The Red Bull Stratos mission uses 24 MediorNet nodes that are installed in a redundant ring topology to provide maximum reliability. In case a connection between two nodes gets lost, the signals will still be distributed due to the redundant topology.

The connection to the flightline where the balloon and capsule are launched is also realized with the MediorNet system - in this case with two MediorNet Compact frames that are connected to the main system. All links in the MediorNet system are realized with Riedel PURE, an extremely robust, mobile fiber cable that is equipped with rugged Neutrik OpticalCON Quad connectors.

MediorNet transports all video signals of the mission, as well as all signals from the OB truck and all signals from the JLAIR tracking truck. It also distributes the broadcast audio between Mission Control and recording. Furthermore, the data of the telemetry used for other broadcast applications is transported via MediorNet.

In addition to the video transport, MediorNet also serves as a network backbone for the on-site Internet connection, providing Ethernet connectivity in all areas of the compound.


Similar to the setup on the ground, Riedel is responsible for the capsule communications system as well as for the video transmission solutions.


A specially developed communications system provides reliable communication between Felix Baumgartner and Mission Control from pre-launch through the entire ascent.


A unique telemetry control was specially developed for the capsule's nine HD video cameras. This system enables control of the video recording and works as a comprehensive digital video router - not unlike having a mini OB truck inside the capsule. It offers complete remote control of the whole video system and features three video downlinks that can be dynamically assigned to the selected cameras.

•Riedel's communications solutions for the Red Bull Stratos mission have been three years in development.
•The communications equipment used for Red Bull Stratos takes up the space of two freight containers. (If fiber infrastructures weren't used for connecting all systems, it would take up three!)
•A total of 5 km / 3.1 miles of fiber cabling are used for the Red Bull Stratos communications solution.
i watched Sunday morning. I'm pretty sure the reason he went so damn fast was the additional weight from his gigantic solid brass balls.

I'm interested in the documentary- hoping they cover what happened to the balloon and capsule after he parted ways with them.

Amazing stunt!

One of the cooler human achievements I have seen in my life. Remarkable.
I was away from home when the jump finally occured and watched it on my phone. I had my 8 year old daughter, 5 year old son and 2 year old son glued to my sides while we watched it. They were absolutely enthralled! I was too..... :smile: My 2 year old woke up this morning, shouting "Man jump!" and started running and spinning around. Great moments. :smile:
One of the cooler human achievements I have seen in my life. Remarkable.

Oh, I don't know.

US Space Program: put rover on Mars.
Euro Space Program: drop man from balloon.
lets hope we don't see some reality TV attention craving regular dufus copycats try something similar:rolleyes:
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