Recommendations - Best complete off the shelf N20 kit?

28 September 2003
Honolulu Hawaii
Looking for 50-75 hp. I just want the best bang for the buck nitrous kit that's safe for a 1991 stock 3.0 motor w/50,000 miles. I'd like it easy to install, and complete so I don't have to keep working on this setup for the next year trying to get it running right. It'll only be used maybe twice a year at the dragstrip. I don't need a purge kit, automatic bottle opener, etc... I'm in Hawaii, so a bottle heater isn't even really necessary - especially since I'll rarely use it. Just something simple to make the car quicker at the track 4-8 passes per year. And I'd like to keep it simple and relatively inexpensive. Was considering this:

My car runs high 13's to a 14 flat @ 100-103 MPH and I just want to improve that a bit. Mid 13's would be great! Not sure what to expect from another 50-75hp, but I really don't want to break anything going for too much extra hp. Reliability is a big concern.

So what's the best kit for me? And where's the best place to buy it - price & reliability?

BTW, I did a search and found a ton of info on nitrous, but not a specific kit sold by a manufacturer that seems to stand out as the easiest to install, and the safest one to use.
I actually have a NOS Wet Kit for the NSX that is good for 35-75hp FOR SALE. You can buy the bigger jets for this kit and go to 150hp.
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There is a member on here who is very knowledgeable and has worked out most if not all the bugs with running NOS on the NSX. He does have a thread in this section so do a search.
Veleno said:
There is a member on here who is very knowledgeable and has worked out most if not all the bugs with running NOS on the NSX. He does have a thread in this section so do a search.
Bad Karma? I wanted to buy a kit he put together, and e-mailed a few times. I think something happened in his family and he didn't have the time to continue doing it. Unfortunate for everyone. Is that the member you are talking about?

BTW, I did a search long before I posted this topic, as stated in my original post. :)
Yes is it BadCarma.

Sorry I overlooked you saying you did a search earlier. He did post about his family situation but I think he also said he'd pick up production at a later point so there may still be hope.

Personally I wouldn't buy any off the shelf kit over BadCarma's kit, so I'm willing to wait. Maybe you can get a hold of another tuner who has some experiences with NOS? I believe Gerry Johnson use to play with it before. Worth a shot to email well informed NSX tuners. Good Luck and let us know what you find out.
Gentlemen, first off thanks for the props! as stated above I HAD and continue to have a serious issue in house,well two.the first was when the wife got taken out in a car wreck 'really bad' and just when she recovered and I could get back to business I should I put this took myself out on a bike vaporized my right shoulder 4 months ago and cant use my right arm and I just found out I fractured my left hand and the damage just made it self known with the continued use of the left arm and hand taking up the daily slack.this puts me with a useless right arm for 8 more months per my surgeon and a useless left hand for 6 weeks while in cast.a bunch of hairline fractures just got alot bigger and the pain meds were hiding the damage until now.
the good and bad news: I have a single fully built inclusive kit ready to go(my last one in stock) I had a forum member state he wanted it at all cost but bailed for reasons only he knows(as you can see things happen and I am sure he had a good reason and hold no ill will towards him so their is that final kit to be sold.
I have received pm's from folks in this thread about a kit and I have it ready to go boxed for shipment but their are about 4 folks whom have stated they want it or want more info but nobody has made a firm commitment to buy although they have indicated a phone call would be in order to discuss price and what comes with it.I will be returning all of your inquiries in the next few days and anyone that steps up first after price,what you will recieve and install are discussed will get it period. I really need to move it. in 6 weeks when the broken hand is healed I will be able to build some more.I refuse to attempt further builds until then.
SO if you want one asap I have indicated I will contact each of you and after a phone call and all the details are layed out if you want it its yours.the others that feel they can wait 6 weeks will get the same kit for the same price.
Heres the kicker, due to the flake out factor for the one kit I have boxed and ready to go I will need the cash up front before shipping OR discussing in detail the nomonclature in detail,I have been giving out to much tech info up front and their is at least one person not to be named in this thread that picked every little detail about my kit out of me on the assumption they were a buyer only to use my know how to TRY(very low) an attempted clone of my kit (good luck). I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO TRANSPIRE AGAIN.I WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU GET,but not go into the serious nuts and bolts until funds are received.I hope you understand my position on this.I just cant spend 2 hours on the phone laying it all out completly so you can rip off MY design,it wont happen a again. if you can live with this and are willing to speak voice phone and receive pics of the kit thats how its going to have to go down.
If you agree to these terms and are willing to talk via phone(I call you) to clarify any issues thats great and if you want it after that the kit is yours.I have not had a single return or defective kit to date although pick your installer wisely.
After reading this you are still interested pm me a new pm letting me know and we will get the ball rolling and you will have your kit in one week. if no one bites it goes to the forum for sale section but it must go and I need the cash considering my situation.if you think to low ball me due to my state of affairs think again and dont bother,we will discuss price,and what you get via phone and I will work with your installer to insure they are up to snuff and walk them via phone the entire day of the install. guys that it in a nutshell.
SO if you are still interested in a safe mega kit with all the bells and whisles as stated send another pm to that effect.
To the duece b, I know you live in hawaii but YOU still need a bottle warmer,if you want a kit I will explain via phone which is much easier in my current condition. good luck guys and to all that have pm'ed me and I will try to take care of you all.

badcarma...sorry to hear bout the hand, i understand you dont wanna tell anything about your kit but can you tell me the price an horsepower gains an how safe it would be for a 91 stock motor?