Recently on Ebay for $35,900 now Autotrader for $12,900

fraud report

Did not see a place in Autotrader to report Scams...

Here ya' go...

How to Report Fraud
Help us stop fraud. If you receive a suspicious email, let us and law enforcement know right away.

Step 1: Forward any suspicious emails to us immediately at [email protected]. Don't change the subject line or send it as an attachment-doing so could prevent us from identifying trends and preventing similar scams. To speak directly to a Fraud Watch Customer Service Representative, call 1-877-742-8040 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. EST).

Step 2: File a complaint with the Internet Fraud Complaint Center to inform federal and state law enforcement agencies. Report the fraud to local law enforcement as well.

We strongly recommend that you report fraud to law enforcement (Step 2). investigates all reports in an effort to protect our customers against future fraud. However, it's not likely we can help you get your money back. And we can't arrest the thieves who stole it.

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Forward all of it to the Internet Fraud Division of the F B I - that's what I did for two Hummer scams. Sent one to New Scotland Yard as well because the man claimed to be in London.

Go gettum!

Damn..........Thanks for saving somebodies butt...:smile: