re-centering motor mounts

1 May 2003
Brookfield, WI
I have read here on prime about re-centering motor (mounts). I had an annoying vibration at idle ever since replacing the timming belt on my X. So yesterday I put my car up on stands and loosened the front and rear motor mounts and then started the engine and reved it a few times. After re-tightnning the motor mounts and getting the car back on the ground. To my surprise the annoying vibration at idle is gone and the engine feels smoother even when driving. Other then getting to the front motor mount to loosen it this little project was well worth the effort.
thanks for the info. I'll give this a try. My car vibrates quite badly at idle. I thought i might be due to the light weight fly wheel. I can actually see the steering wheel bouncing arounda couple millimeters at idle. Y does revving the motor straighten them out? Is there a more precise way to do this?
I think revving the motor just causes it move around and to settle into the proper position in the motor mounts. It seems like a crude procedure for a well made car like the NSX but it does seem to help in some cases. I am not aware of any way to re-center the motor in an NSX.