Rattle at 3-4K RPM in Cat or Exhaust??

26 November 2003
San Juan Capistrano, CA
Just developed a very anoying rattle in in my new Comptech exaust when the engine is hot and at 3-4,000 RPM on deceleration. Dealer thinks it is the exaust but it could be in the cataletic converter. Seems to be kicking out very small metalic or fiber particals as well. I have a call into Comptec to see that they think. Hope it is not the converter.

Has anyone else had a similar situation?


The "packing" (particles) will probably slow down once it is broken in. I would carefully look at front pipe #6 to see if it is interfering with the front beam, and also check just under the front cat that it is not touching, or VERY close to the cross beam. These are common rattles. Should have at least 1/8 " clearance:).

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A few months ago I had a customer complaing of a squeel/ rattle noise on acceleration and deceleration at about 3k rpm. I traced the noise to a broken weld on the the left side exhaust hangar of their new comptech muffler. You could actually see a little black spot at the weld where the exhaust was lightly seeping out even though you couldnt hear it. They called comptech and had it replaced. If you didnt notice the noise before you had the muffler installed then I would really take a good look at that area. Good Luck