Random NSX pictures that don't each deserve their own thread


oOOoOo very nice angle! Looks aphibious
It's not an NSX anymore but... It's not bad. I kind of like it.
^^now why ?

In my opinion, the car is incomplete.
If the headlights were covered/had a lens and if the doors and rear qtr were ducted to break up those straight lines,it would look updated, functional and exotic instead of stuck in the middle just having potential.
Every thing behind the front tires from lower duct up looks rushed.
The paint looks semi gloss instead of matte or glossy.

I'm sure jeff could get this car to it's fool potential.
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I'm not sure who loves his NSX more Dimer.... Me or you...
Here's my NSX at Wekfest SJ (one of only 3 NSX's there :/ )
