Raikkonen at Ferrari for 2007

25 July 2004
Houston, TX
Saw this article on Grandprix.com :
Article Link

Very interesting indeed. Schumacher retiring (or moving somewhere ... ), .. wonder if Alonso will ever end up at McLaren ....

Cheers .. Gus
Lots of speculation but most people following F1 feel that either Kimi or Alonso are the heirs to the throne. Recently it seems that more opinions favor Kimi as being a slightly better driver. The last INFORMAL poll among tearm directors was before a F1 race. It was split 50/50. The announcers however favored Kimi. IMHO, The winner of this popularity contest is going to replace MS at Ferrari.

The the question becomes where is FA going?
Re: See, it's like this.........

MS is leaving Ferrari to do the development testing on the new NSX. How could you guys not see that? :rolleyes: