radio code!

17 May 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
sucks! and then not knowing I put another cd in and I guess now it's stuck even worse and the CD holder wouldn't even come out or lite up. shit! that means I have to extract it manually and take that big cd changer out. any advice or comments on the issue guys? I should've checked on the FAQ b4 I did anything stupid. too late now.
I know several cures are in the FAQ's, but before you take it apart, try pushing down on the magazine and moving it back and forth while pushing eject. The shock-absorbing mechanism inside the changer should allow movement with the magazine. I can usually get the 2 cd's to pass back into one of the magazine slots with just the right touch. This does have the potential to scratch the cd, but can save you the time in removing all those little screws.
FYI, I had a similar problem and my Acura mechanic used a slim jim kind of tool that slipped right in and dis-lodged the CD in a matter of seconds. It was like a flat hard plastic strap about 1/2 to 3/4 inch wide. Hope this might help.
Ok guys I took out the cd changer and opened it up and took out the jammed cd. now when I hook it back up. the eject button doesn't lite up. the radio works fine and the 10A fuse is fine too. but the cd changer is not working. could I had burned it out? is there a fuse for the cd changer itself? I have the repair manual and it shows everything radio, cell fone but does not show the cd changer at all. what gives? any advice?