Qvale Mangusto

16 July 2002
Bay Area CA
Anyone driven one (or even seen one up close?)
My lovely missus came home tonight saying she saw a quite beautiful yellow sports car, which was immediately unrecognizable to her, however she accurately noted the emblems perfectly from the rear end & even the Honda (???) dealer emblem on the license plate.
I have to admit it didn't ring any bells for me but used my old friend Google to turn it up.
Can't say I'm that impressed - looks quite over-valued: like a cross between a "new" T'bird at the front & somewhat of a Merc SLK from the side. Looks OK from rear, I guess. Maybe even a little Maserati-ish.
But it intrigued me more from its somewhat rarity & the fact it was seen in my small town (& not by me!).
So I'm curous as to any first-hand experience - I was sure it would have been discussed here previously but search turned up nothing on either Qvale OR Mangusta.
What you say guys?
I saw one last fall. Didn't like the looks too much, but, then again, looks are subjective. I think you identified the major flaw. To damn many Ford parts for an $85K car (interior, guages, etc.) The car is chunky, too (3600+ pounds-I think). I can name of a hundred cars I'd rather have for $85K, many of which sell for about 30K.
This is the formerly known DeTomaso Mangusta. Basically a Ford engine in a nicer chassis...