Quit my job today..

Keep a positive attitude.....I have been in a similar position to yours and know it is kind of scary. But in the end you will find happiness if you just stay focused on doing what makes you happy. Trust me...it is working for me and will for you as well. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Quit my job today..

VampNSX said:
but without money you have no NSX or house so we have to look at the real world and work cause that is a movie and this is life we all have bills to pay and if you have a family then you really do not want to see them suffer.

My quote about Fight Club was saying that you shouldnt let a job, car, house or what you make determine what kind of person you are. These things shouldnt DEFINE you as a person.
I am still not sure what Fight Club has to do with being unemployed?:confused:
NetViper said:
I am still not sure what Fight Club has to do with being unemployed?:confused:

Well, JMO but it is finding your sense of self.
Take some time off and define your own destiny. This is an opportunity that not a lot of people give themselves.
congrats on your new found 'freedom'. a bad job can certainly undermine your whole life outlook.

uhhh, i kinda get your fightclub analogy, but that was a movie about a 'schizophrenic' guy, or multiple personality disordered guy to be more precise????
Take you time, find the job thats gonna make you happy. Oh and your moving to GA correct? I hope you like sweet tea. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quit my job today..

kenjiMR said:
Fight Club is more than just a movie... Its just like saying the Bible is just a book. There are ideas one can extract to maintain their sanity.

Well why dont you just quit your job too and live the Fight club life. I bet the last thing NetViper whats to see is a movie. Look NetViper need a new job and Fight Club is not going to get him a new Job. Plus when you dont have a job you cant help but feel like you are not all yourself any more. The thing about it is that you will start to think how will you pay your bills and belie me Fight Club will not pay them for him its just a movie.
MF-DIF said:
Take you time, find the job thats gonna make you happy. Oh and your moving to GA correct? I hope you like sweet tea. :D

We have sweet tea in Louisiana... and yes, I like it :)
I was only commenting on the feeling of 'worthlessness'. If not having a job makes you feel that way, you must really be worthless or weak. That is all. Everyone knows what they want, you gotta do what you gotta do... but at the same time, I don't blame or look down on street bums. Maybe that is the lifestyle they enjoy. Who is to tell them otherwise?
kenjiMR said:
I was only commenting on the feeling of 'worthlessness'. If not having a job makes you feel that way, you must really be worthless or weak.

You really don't think before you type do you?:rolleyes:
Now you can concentrate on your commercial gigs ;) Just kidding. HOpe you'll find what you are looking for. It takes guts to start from scratch.
ak said:
Now you can concentrate on your commercial gigs ;)

I think I am actually going to give the "commercial gigs" a shot. I am finishing up my website now and going to join a few voice over sites and maybe look at an agent. We'll see what happens. You only live once right? :)
well, kudos for giving up the paycheck.

i personally cant imagine it. but then again ive never been without a job.

i have had fantasies about being truly self-employed, and about being retired/semi-retired.

my dad's best advice was to be the best at what you do and the money will follow. In retrospect, he was partially right.

I wish i believed the whole 'do what you love' thing. I LIKE what i do, but i cant imagine loving anything that is for a paycheck. But then again i get bored pretty easily and start fantasizing about other things i could be doing.

Good Luck!!
ill take your job!!! my contract just finished up today, im unemployed now and after sending out 100+ resumes via hotjobs, monster, dice, etc over the past 5 months and speaking with a dozen recruiters here in MA, i've gotten ZERO response (ok, i did get a couple of contract offers but they were in NJ and IL while I'm here in MA). My wife hates her job and gets paid squat. We're screwed!!!

- rob, technical project manager, microsoft OEM OS preinstall developer, errand boy, whatever you need. will work for mods!

I can't imagine the response when I pull into my job pumping gas or at radio shack in an NSX.
DocL said:
It's because the "First rule of the fight club is that there is no fight club."

:D :D - I luv Fight Club, and The Matrix. Both of the movies have a great message.

btw, good luck on your job search