Unfortunately, spinning off the track at Putnam isn't anything new for me.But at least I am learning to spin in new spots. :tongue:
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Here I didn't just clip the curbing on the right of turn 6, I went over the top of it apexing it just a fraction too early. You can see the car bounce just a bit as this happens and it throws the car wide to the left, where I run out of room and the left tires run off into the grass. At this point it's a lost cause as the car is sliding left and had I even tapped the brakes it would have spun anyway. Moral of the story - driving over the curb, good. Jumping the curb - bad.
It looks like you hit the apex which threw the car wide and you broke (@ 20 sec mark) while the wheel was kinked to the right, transferring the weight slightly to the left and forward which induced the spin.
It was a good attempted recovery, just didn't have enough room. .
Had you not had the wheel kinked, you would have still gone into the grass. . . it's hard to say if you would have gone into the bushes though because you can't see how far you are from them. . .
Anyway, great driving. . I'm still nervous to push my car to those limits. .
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