Despite borrowing a set of spring compressors, it still took me nearly three hours to put the car up on stands, remove the wheels and then remove one shock. The other night I realized it would be easy to simply cut the shock in half and just pull out the lower portion of the damper from the bottom mount. It worked like a charm- a sawzall (reciprocating saw) with a metal blade cuts through the shock like butter. If you try this, first be sure to drill a hole in the lower part of the shock to let the gas pressure and oil drain out. Since the car would be on stands, there is no chance of hitting the damper rod if you make the cut low enough. Three hours for one shock and then one hour for the remaining three- got to love that. You may want to arrange a shield or something to block the spray of oil when you drill into the shock- it comes out with a lot of force and can coat anything that happens to be behind your vehicle. Needless to say, you will be throwing the damper away after using this technique- who is going to want it anyways, mine were 20 years old- may they RIP!