Questions You Would Have For God ???

digimanoc said:
I was watching something where they were explaining that by saying it was a natural phenomenon having to do with methane gas pockets bursting under water.... it was interesting. It can sink ship instantly as well as choke out the old piston engine in aircraft. made sense.

After my last experience at an Indian restaurant, theories about methane gas and natural phenomenons make sense to me too. :D
MYNSX said:

What the heck were you thinking when you made Seth a man??
It's obvious he a woman trapped in that body!!

:p :D

who's Seth?
Re: Re: Questions You Would Have For God ???

cmhs75 said:
who's Seth?

Bill's best buddy. :)

<IMG SRC="">

<A HREF="">Seth@SoS</A>
Re: Re: Re: Questions You Would Have For God ???

NeoNSX said:
Bill's best buddy. :)

<IMG SRC="">

<A HREF="">Seth@SoS</A>

Duh, and there I was thinking that Seth was a demi-god or something

I feel really stupid now
Re: Re: Re: Re: Questions You Would Have For God ???

cmhs75 said:
Duh, and there I was thinking that Seth was a demi-god or something

Don't feel stupid, you were half-right: in the world of Science of Speed, Seth is a demi-God. :D

1. should i supercharge or turbo?
2. Will there be a better nsx?
3. Which one should i marry?
4. Is Len 3.8 right about the last question 3?
5. I went to S.Beach, Miami last weekend , will all that stuff i did and though count against me?

Thanks god, call me on the cell.
P.S. Do you know the cell??????????
Re: questions

Ko-nsx said:
1. should i supercharge or turbo?
2. Will there be a better nsx?
3. Which one should i marry?
4. Is Len 3.8 right about the last question 3?
5. I went to S.Beach, Miami last weekend , will all that stuff i did and though count against me?

Thanks god, call me on the cell.
P.S. Do you know the cell??????????

Answer to number
1 = 1 , No one will be available to install the turbo.

2 = What difference does it make, most of you on prime aren't going to buy it.:) Len 3.8 has the better NSX (fastest color 3)

3 = Hell if I have to tell you that, then obviously you are not listening to your heart. You are listening to lil k.o.

4 = Len 3.8 is real name is Gabriel, whatch out for any advise he gives you. He is right on #3, leave the hoochies alone.;)

5 = Yep Yep, Hope you enjoyed yourself, Hope you got used to the heat. Was it hot enough for ya? Hot girls hungh? Were you thirsty? That water sure tasted good didn't it... You'll have an eternity of hot times. Don't worry.

Why do these damn humans ask questions that they know the answer to? I mean dang if you sin, your arse is going to hell.
Jeesh, I try and try ..... (Walking away shaking his almighty hands)
God, when will I get my NSX back?

God, will it be faster then KGP's? You know he is a sinner, right?

God, Did you hear me last night when I asked for the mega million numbers? Don't tell anyone else.

God, Just how forgiving are you? I really would like some kind of defined limits. Cause I am thinking about...... well you know what I am thinking.