Everybody has their own opinion on this. And I totally know how synchro and transmission works. I still stand by my comments before that double clutching is not necessary for modern tranny.
My fellow friend has 3 engine on his car with over 150K miles on the tranny. Never double clutch and has never forced to replae his tranny. This is on a E36 M3.
I would really recommend reading, THE bible of all race car how-to books which is the Carroll Smith "To Win" series, written in this order:
1. Prepare To Win -
All about how to make the race car more reliable, setting up the brakes, suspension, engine, etc.
2. Tune To Win -
How to make your car go faster, now that it finishes the race. Deals with handling questions , plus more esoteric stuff like Ackerman steering and roll couples.
3. Engineer To Win -
Ok, now you want to start modifying your car with fabricated parts to make it go faster.
4. Nuts, Bolts, Fasteners, and Plumbing Handbook (aka Screw to Win) - From the author: "Fasteners and plumbing failures combined are the most common type of mechanical failures in the transportation arena, and if you are involved in high performance automobile or aircraft, a failure can lead directly to you leaving the party early".
5. Drive To Win -
Race car engineering written from the driver's point of view, instead of the crew chief's view like the previous four books. Of course, most of us are both driver and crew chief!
Too bad prepare to win are no longer printed.
[This message has been edited by Andrie Hartanto (edited 16 August 2001).]