Question about why we have Zanardi NSX??

5 April 2004
Wally World Dad
First let me start off with a "This is in no way to disrespect the accomplishments Zanardi had in a Honda."

The Zanardi NSX came out at a time when Honda was dominating the competition in CART with their products. Yes, Zanardi was a great CART champion who was very well liked by all the people who mattered at American Honda. Name a flagship car after him though?

What about the man who was "first" in our cars? Ayrton Senna? His accomplishments in Honda F1 were very impressive while he was with McLaren. I was pondering this question with my buddy (who is fortunate enough to own Senna MV Agusta number 173) the other day and thought it might be a good question for my friends on Prime.

I would love to hear different points of view as to why you feel Honda made a Zanardi edition instead of a Senna edition NSX?
The Zanardi was a US only model, and Zanardi was sucessful in US racing. Senna was sucessful at F1, which is not a 'US based' sport. Maybe that explains part of it.
Maybe it's just due to whoever works in the marketing department at Honda, at the time.
I agree with the above. Also consider that Honda is a car company and like every car company the main reason for 'Special' editions is to bump up sales. Marketing types would probably say that a living champion would move more cars than commemorating a late one. Just trying to sell a few more more copies of a not very popular model, IMO.

schuey1010 said:
I would love to hear different points of view as to why you feel Honda made a Zanardi edition instead of a Senna edition NSX?

I was under the impression that Zanardi had some role in the development of the Zanardi NSX, but that may be incorrect given the Type-S Zero was essentially the same car. If the issue was development participation, Senna's passing prevented him from having input on later NSX development.

Besides, I think a lot of people consider all NSXs to be 'Senna Editions'. I do.