Question about NSX versus a deer

Ski_Banker said:
Yikes! Good thing he had the nose bra on. :redface:

How could a deer survive something like that??? Do they jump at the last second like in the movies??

I think we still have that Bra... We put it, and those little mirror booties on the 94, when we went out to the last Houston meet a few weeks ago.- The bra saved me from the 3 (THREE!) plastic cups that came twirling accross my lane at seperate intervals during the drive out. Didn't do much against the deer though (as you can see...)

That deer strike was my Dad's first NSX, so I am familier with the story. He was traveling with a group of NSX's (I think it was at NSTeXpo 99?) at the time of loss, so I am not surprised that others know about it too. Dad hit it with his driverside side front fender, then if just bounced onto the windsheild. His approx speed was 45mph at the time of impact.


The greatest force of the impact of the deer was at the seam between the windsheild and the roof- it smashed the windsheild (as you can see) and pushed back the roof opening up a big hole, which the carcass then fell through, and into my parent's laps. We have photos of the interior (covered in deer hair) but those aren't online.

Pretty scary for sure, and the car was totaled out, but it didn't stop him from going back out and getting another NSX.

I was just glad they walked away from it with just bumps, and bruises

When I used to drive the 91, Dad used to say "if you bend it, don't come back!" but with the 94 he just says "Well, I totaled one, so you can't do much worse than that!" Needless to say, I am still pretty careful.

the moral- I don't recomend crash testing the NSX- did you know that one quarterpanel is $7000.00 to replace? At that price you might as well go widebody...

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UnhuZ said:
Sorry about the offtopic....but Norms car doesn't seem tottaled to me...only windshield and roof.... he could do the same transplant that serialNSXer did in his NSX-R project, right?? or am i being optimistic????

Yeah... Apparently you don't know my Dad. The bottom line is that whatever shop did the repair, it would have to meet his standards, and that would be a difficult task. :biggrin:

It is one thing when you have the time to shop around and find "the right guy" for the job as I am sure serialNSXer did, but in this case he was out of his home state, and did not have any idea who might be capable of performing that kind of surgery. (although, he always mentions that the Austin area NSXers were incredibly helpful while he was getting this resolved)

I also remember the "total" resulted when the exterior damage that you can see in that pic was compounded by the destruction in the interior...

if you follow the second jump Ojas posted here, you will see that the car was insured for a "Stated Value". When it was totaled the payout was based on a number that Dad had agreed to prior to the loss. There was no squabbling, and he was able to take that money and go buy a newer, better 94 NSX.

There are no regrets...:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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Scin said:
Hitting a deer would be seriously bad, especially at high speed. I just moved to Austin and bought 10 acres in the country, this place has too many damn deer. They seriously worry me. I can handle road conditions, and other cars... but deers are incredibly unpredictable and hard to spot.

Dad's accident happened just outside Austin...

Shumdit said:
I think the moral of the story is never drive an Elantra. I mean that's like going out in soiled underwear, if you remember mom's old warning.:biggrin:

hahahaha :p

you buy me the NSX and I'll drive it everyday :biggrin:
Ahah! Damned deer around here. They don't have any natural predators besides cars and a short hunting season.

I've driven by at least a dozen deer at various times just meandering by the side of the road.

I would be really worried if I was on a motorcycle.

H-carWizKid said:
Dad's accident happened just outside Austin...

Didn't Larry G actually hit a deer on two seperate occasions? I recall the "Deer kill" stickers on his car :).

and IIRC, there was someone else on Prime that had a deer leap over his car from the passenger side, jump on to the roof and then off the other side.
Not quite an NSX/deer story, but...

I'm sorry to say that I have first-hand knowledge of killing a deer with my 1988 Toyota MR2 Supercharged. I was living in Santa Cruz, California, and had a couple of very close calls with deer on Hwy 17, late at night (A couple of times I whizzed by deer closer than a foot or two away). I always thought, "If I ever hit one o' these things in an MR2, I'm THROUGH!" And then it eventually happened; I plowed into an adult doe at about 50 MPH, 2AM on a foggy night.
It was a surreal event and, being an animal lover, I was really upset by it; I hit the deer and she seemed to pop straight up, then I saw her ---to my left--- turning cartwheels at the same speed as my car. I came to a stop parallel to the deer, who wretched for a short while and passed away. It was an awful sight. Without doing anything else, I drove home, another 5-10 miles.
When I got home I was too sick to even look at the front of my car. I was amazed that I was OK ---I always thought a deer would slide up through my windshield and kill me--- and that my car got me back home. Without looking at the car at all, I went in to bed.
When I woke up the next morning I had the strangest feeling; "Did I hit a deer last night? Or was that some kinda nightmare?" I went outside to look at my MR2 and... I couldn't see ANYTHING! Now I REALLY was beginning to doubt that it happened at all! I mean, there was NO damage whatsoever!
A while later a neighbor's dog came to my gate and barked; That was his signal for me to walk him to the beach (no kidding). I grabbed the leash for my own dog and we headed outside. At the gate, the neighbor's dog was sniffing my bumper. Huh? It really DID happen? I got on my knees and closely inspected the area that the dog was sniffing. Sure enough, there were about 4-5 deer hairs on my bumper! It was no nightmare; I had, in fact, killed a deer the night before in an MR2, no less, and not only lived to tell about it but incurred no auto damage of any sort!!!
Hope I never have to experience that in my NSX (or any other car)!

I hunt for the sole purpose of keeping the deer population toned down. And not to mention a good venison meal. Pa is a bad state as far as deer collisions go. I was lucky for a few years..but ended up hittin two in one year..It was not a happy experience. The little bastards run right in front of you! They're complete morons.. the first time it hit my driver door and dented it up pretty bad, 2nd time it hit my front bumper and i luckily didn't obtain any damage. Almost rolled the car because i tried to swerve going about 65..very scary..i guess do what the insurance companies say and hit them head on.
i also think it depends on where the impact is as well.. if it's heads on it'll be worst than maybe hitting one on the corner..
SFMarine0311 said:
I hunt for the sole purpose of keeping the deer population toned down. And not to mention a good venison meal.

Hehe this reminded me of a time back in high school when I brought a venison sandwich to school for lunch. For some reason, when you tell the chicks you're eating Bambi for lunch, they "get all uppity" and don't want to talk to you anymore! :biggrin:

Unfortunately, it doesn't take a DLT to have that effect on the ladies anymore though. :redface: :biggrin: