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Question About Interiour


30 January 2006
What do you think about this,I'm finishing seats with black leather and svarovski kristals,hood is all in silver leather doors all in black leather but center where is handle bar is from doors one side to another in silver leather.then panel is black leather with silver line which goes through the panel horizontal peace near window panels.then steering wheel black leather and air bag done with silver threads done HONDA .But question: do you think how ewerythink will look if center panel would be carbon?
sory for english :frown: :redface:
I think you should forget about the Krystals. This is an NSX not a rapper's Escalade. The rest of what you are doing sounds OK.
you should do it. those krystals will look very good along with the rest of your plans.
beautiful women will be swarming around you and your NSX.
these guys are just jealous because they didnt think of the idea first.
hurry up and finish it. show us the outcome when you're done.

Good luck.
Bad Advice said:
beautiful women will be swarming around you and your NSX.
these guys are just jealous because they didnt think of the idea first.

Just irony or just bad advice?
First of all he is asking for our opinion so we are giving it. The interior looks good from that pic but putting crystals in there may be a bit overboard unless you are a female owner. I just can't see a guy with bling bling in their interior unless your from Pimp My Ride......that show is neat to watch but I would never do what they do to my car. At least they make the car look better than before, just not my style. :smile:

I am no way trying to offend you Tamoske, I just try to put some humor in my comments ;). But yeah so far it looks pretty decent.

By the way, whats up Xzhibit! :biggrin:
I would interested to see your finished product. :smile:
i'll try finish my nsx ass soon as it posible but i have a lot of work to do.because: lambo doors,all new interiour,all body ,all new engine parts and transmission,all new multimedia stuff and wheels,new awersome paint job(because if you stan in front of thhis car you can see your self like a mirror.):wink: also i.have done so far all the engine i nikel all parts shine like a miroor.i already calculated that my 92 nsx will cost me about 50000$ :eek:
And the worst thing that how to sell it ?because it's not a cheap thing.:frown: and i must help to my parents


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Tamoske said:
i'll try finish my nsx ass soon as it posible but i have a lot of work to do.because: lambo doors,all new interiour,all body ,all new engine parts and transmission,all new multimedia stuff and wheels,new awersome paint job(because if you stan in front of thhis car you can see your self like a mirror.):wink: also i.have done so far all the engine i nikel all parts shine like a miroor.i already calculated that my 92 nsx will cost me about 50000$ :eek:
And the worst thing that how to sell it ?because it's not a cheap thing.:frown: and i must help to my parents

Well good luck on selling it, not too many people like lambo style doors on the NSX. So you might find a kid who may want it.
Tamoske said:
i'll try finish my nsx ass soon as it posible but i have a lot of work to do.because: lambo doors,all new interiour,all body ,all new engine parts and transmission,all new multimedia stuff and wheels,new awersome paint job(because if you stan in front of thhis car you can see your self like a mirror.):wink: also i.have done so far all the engine i nikel all parts shine like a miroor.i already calculated that my 92 nsx will cost me about 50000$ :eek:
And the worst thing that how to sell it ?because it's not a cheap thing.:frown: and i must help to my parents

I won't tell you how much my 1994 was then. LOL
AR99NSX said:
I won't tell you how much my 1994 was then. LOL

You have the ultimate pimp car ;) I just want your interior :tongue:
ediddynsx said:
You have the ultimate pimp car ;) I just want your interior :tongue:

Cheers mate, believe me it was not the interior that sold it to me, as nice as it is LOL.
AR99NSX said:
Cheers mate, believe me it was not the interior that sold it to me, as nice as it is LOL.

Sorry off topic but is you R a real one or a replica? The really cool thing is because of the RHD in GB you get a near authentic R-clone feel :)
|Adeel said:
Sorry off topic but is you R a real one or a replica? The really cool thing is because of the RHD in GB you get a near authentic R-clone feel :)

His is the real deal....na1 type-r....drooling