Question #2. What was your first impressions when you first time saw an X?

23 April 2008
Question #2. What was your first impressions when you first time saw an NSX?

I wonder what people think when they first time see an X live? What the impressions they have? Is that kinda supercars impression or what?
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1st impression:
It's alot lower than you'd expect seeing it in person vs. advertisments.

2nd impression:
Driving my car the first thing I noticed were the wheel arch buldges
I wonder what people think when they first time see an X live? What the impressions they have? Is that kinda supercars impression or what?

First time I saw an Nsx live I thought "wow, those are some ugly rims".

First time I saw mine live I thought "wow, those are some ugly rims". :biggrin:

I still have the rims, and they've grown on me, haha.

I wonder what people think when they first time see an X live? What the impressions they have? Is that kinda supercars impression or what?

Just wondering if you have seen or driven one yet?
When I first saw the X in 91 on the showroom floor, I thought it was such as awesome car. Also thought I'd never be able to sit or drive in one. It's like going to a import car show and looking at a high end concept car that could not be touched. I never really seen one on the road until just a few years ago. 15 years later, I'm still amazed at the timeless beauty of the car.
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the first time i saw one was in the year 2000, a night, a friend arrived in his father's... a 100%stock 91, impressed me:

- :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
- it was shinning allover (original paint with 200000kms) reflecting the surround lights (it was a gaz station)
- it was damn low
- it was more beautifull than anything with wheels i ever ever saw (still is today)

today when i look at mine, even after i own it for 2,5 years, it's hard to believe i have in.... i've been living a dream, i'm affraid to wake up (car wise)
First impression....Wow Ferrari looks...but with Honda reliability...SOLD!!!
I thought it was beautiful but it made me sad because I thought I'd never be able to have one.
I was awestruck - I had seen one in person...but it was not the same as seeing the one that I eventually purchased - seeing one up front and center and being able to sit in it and check it out is spellbinding!:biggrin: I looked at this machine...this race machine - sleek, dark and powerful. I felt like I was looking at a McClaren F1 - and when the seller started her was like I was in another world! :tongue: She was absolutely all that I wanted in a car...and she was exactly what I wanted - a black 91 with Ferrari 355-like mods and an exhaust to match!

God's speed all

Dam :cool:
The very first time was in a magazine. WOW what a car! My fondest memory is when I was a teenager I had a large poster of a black NSX with a profile shot that hung on my bedroom wall for years. I just loved the profile then and now. What a body!

Does any one remember the poster I am talking about? I would love to get my hands on one - I'll pay $$ for it too!

I wonder what people think when they first time see an X live? What the impressions they have? Is that kinda supercars impression or what?
I was working for an office furniture manufacturer in Torrance and one day in late 1990 the President of the company rolls up in a brand new NSX. It was red and I fell in love with the car from that point on. Fast forward 15 years and I learn a guy where I work has one. He was nice enough to let me drive it and it rekindled my desire to acquire one. I have had my car for 2 years and I always enjoy driving it. I have a grin from gear to gear.:biggrin:
First of all it is an NSX not an X. I first saw the car way back when at the NY auto show. I thought the tail end of the car was too long. I since have gotten over this.
The title cracks me up....NSX please....:rolleyes:

My first impression seeing the car was "this DAMN thing sits LOW" and that was a factory ride height car. I think the roof line is lower than most exotics....correct me if I'm wrong!

first time i saw one i believe was 94, maybe 95, it was black, targa, parked in the front of a hotel, nsx's were more my brothers thing(at the time) so i pointed it out to him, i thought it looked great and back then it was ferrari status but it just looked so nice, 10x better than the 348 ferraris at the time.

flash forward 14 years, that bro has moved on to lame cars(porsche/audi) and im about to own an nsx:cool:

oh and it still looks 10x better than 348's:biggrin:
First time I ever saw one in person was at the dealership three years ago. It was a red NA1 and NSXs are very rare in MN. At first glance, I thought it was real low and a bit wider than I had anticipated. Honestly, it had a sort of supercar aura about it and I never thought I'd ever get to try one out.

Last year my brother (ChongLee) bought his '96 NSX-T and I got to test drive for him before purchasing (he was busy at work and could not do the testing himeself). Getting into the car was something I will never forget. I felt like I was sitting in a race car.

Today I see his car everyday and get to drive it once in a while. With the Type-R suspension mods he's put into the car, it handles like a dream! The NSX is a timeless machine.
Wow....this is a honda? someday maybe someday......someday came 5 yrs ago:smile:
i still remember the first time i test drove mine....

it was only around the block but it was MAGIC.

time literally slowed down. :tongue: i can still see and feel that test drive.
First response was "OMG," then I had to pick my jaw off the ground and walk back to class thinking "one day..."
When I first saw the X in 91 on the showroom floor, I thought it was such as awesome car. Also thought I'd never be able to sit or drive in one. It's like going to a import car show and looking at a high end concept car that could not be touched. I never really seen one on the road until just a few years ago. 15 years later, I'm still amazed at the timeless beauty of the car.

My first impression seeing the car was "this DAMN thing sits LOW" and that was a factory ride height car. I think the roof line is lower than most exotics....correct me if I'm wrong!

You're not wrong. I was next to a Lamborghini Gallardo at a stop light last weekend, and my NSX is slightly lower than the Gallardo.
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