Put too much stuff in my trunk, PIC.

5 March 2003
Tried to squeeze my hockey bag in the trunk and messed it up now it sticks up a bit and wont close perfectly. I saw replacement trunk shocks at dalis store. Was wondering if that's what I'll need to get my trunk looking normal again when closed. check the pic below and let me know if it's the trunk shocks Ill need.
ooohhhh... you may need to realign the bracket. i don't think its the prop lid.. may be a mallet and a peice of wood and couple bang would work... just be careful not too damage anything else.
bent hinges

the hinges are slightly bent, any bodyshop should be able to straighten and realign them for you. You could try it yourself but you may end up doing more damage if you don't do it right. The bodyshop should only charge an hour (max 2) in my opinion.
RoyGee said:
I saw replacement trunk shocks at dalis store. Was wondering if that's what I'll need to get my trunk looking normal again when closed.
No. The trunk struts simply provide the force to hold the trunk lid up by itself, and have nothing to do with its alignment.