Put on the new tail peice..

FlightNSX said:
I tried to remove the center piece yesterday to DIY the Acura emblem, and I couldn't get the lens pieces apart. I even took a heat gun to it to try to melt the glue but gave up because I didn't want the plastic lens to break. :(

How the heck did you do it? And how did you remove the acura lettering after you guys got it apart? I may just have to buy a new one from SOS with the H emblem and then just pry off the H emblem and replace with an 'A' emblem. :(

I'm a little surprised you couldn't take the lens apart with the heat gun. I did mine using a hairdryer. I just heated the section I was working on, pryed it open, then keep heating the next section until the lens came apart. It took me about 10 minutes.

Here are some pictures of my ACURA sticker removed and H emblem mounted on the inside of the lens. While it took me about 10 minutes to split the lens and remove the sticker, it did take overnight to let the weather sealant fully dry and cure. You probably can use faster drying sealant if you want though.

Well... The reason that I couldn't get it done successfully with the heat gun, was because one of my fellow installers scared me a bit when he told me to be careful with the heat gun cause it will actually melt the plastic if I am not too careful. I guess I just chickened out. :)

I think I may have to give Science of Speed a call and do it the easy way. So I will have a spare piece for sale if anyone 'accidentally' breaks/cooks their lens. ;)

nsxtasy said:
Or, at least, it was, until I swapped my caps with Giuseppe's. Now mine have the H symbol, and his have ACURA spelled out. Or, they did, until he sold his car.

martin has four of them in his NSX now. I should still have one somewhere! :D

Maybe you remember: you sent 5 of them with one that was a bit "loose" and the other 4 perfectly fitting. I kept it as a souvenir of the silver beast! :D

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