Put car cover on while engine still warm?

3 December 2002
I have an oem cover and I usually wait until the vent by the rear hatch has cooled down before I put the cover on, roughly 3 hours after driving my nsx. I thought maybe if I were to put it on while the engine compartment is still hot, it might create condensation since the oem cover isn't vented as well as an outdoor cover which I have also (non oem). Any thoughts on this?
I use an all weather cover craft that I put on right when I arrive at work . Condensation hasn't been an issue, it may be because its summer in SoCal. There can be a drastic temperature change from early morning to afternoon though. I still wipe the car down when I get home. No issues seen.
nsxtacey said:
I have an oem cover and I usually wait until the vent by the rear hatch has cooled down before I put the cover on, roughly 3 hours after driving my nsx. I thought maybe if I were to put it on while the engine compartment is still hot, it might create condensation since the oem cover isn't vented as well as an outdoor cover which I have also (non oem). Any thoughts on this?

Vented is different from breathable. The OEM cover and almost all other covers allow some breathability to avoid or minimize mildew. Best yet, read the manufacturer's suggestion regarding the specific do's and don'ts ..... :wink: