Congratulations, and welcome to the club!
Here she is! I must admit and as you guys probably know it is a difficult color to photograph well, because of the huge amount of pearl in the paint. The visuals of the color seems to vary greatly depending on the lighting, which is something I really love about this color. The pic below is in overcast lighting and the car looks dark and almost a midnight blue, where the pic in my Avetar is in bright indoor florescent light and the color looks super bright and florescent. I had seen the pics on ebay, and they looked "okay".. When I went up to see the car in person I was blown away, and I was hooked!
Here is a pic after its first wash and wax.
I agree have you ever seen a LBBP ( Long Beach Blue Pearl ) NSX?
talk about poping color.
let the modding begin. LOL your wallet has never seen the abuse it is about to take.