PSA: Bose Speakers (for those wishing to stay OEM)

Big bummer. I just talked to Patty about ordering a new set of speakers and she said that they are no longer going to be selling them. I guess I'll jut have to get mine repaired. :frown:
Perhaps I am missing something; but, if you want to stay OEM and you don't want to spend $1300 for a new door amplifier / speaker unit, there is still the option of having it repaired by Brian K for a lot less. Or, if you are handy with a soldering iron do your own repair for less than $20.

An option "for those wishing to stay OEM".
Have you received and installed your "new" speakers from Bose? I'm interested in hearing how these ones sound. My assumption is that these have been sitting on the shelf for a number of years and weren't recently manufactured. So the fear is that the electrolytic capacitors have been aging/drying out and will have problems associated with that. I have an a duplicate set that I got with my car because the previous owner had replaced them. Not sure if the replacement ones in the car came from Bose (probably not since it was before this thread), "new" from Acura, or used from another owner. But they are starting to crackle and have poor response at low volume. I'm thinking that even though I could get "new" ones from Bose for close to the same cost as having the old ones to refreshed, the refreshing route might be the better option as I'll know that all of the age sensitive components have been updated and the whole circuit has been aligned to spec. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

I don't have the car back yet. It was in for a full TB/WP + Clutch service and the tech told me about the window regulator fix. Since he was already going to be in the doors I dropped the speakers off with him to install. I'll have the car back this afternoon.