Proud to say "its mine!"

Congratulations on the new NSX.
The best so far was "Is that the new electric Acura model?" (I had the front open, not the engine compartment).

So what was your answer? Yes, it runs on one 12 volt car battery :biggrin:

Waiting to hear your answer from Tim on how your wife liked getting in and out of your NSX.

I'll reply to Tim's question also, my wife doesn't mind getting in or out of the NSX and she definitely loves how comfortable the seats are... but in her case she is only 5' 0" tall, so she doesn't have as far to go getting down into the car. Me on the other hand, it's a different story.

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I always open the front hood and show the people the hampster's cage. It just looks like a blower motor enclosure and I assure them the hampster has plenty of air and water from the HVAC system.
Well, we went for ice cream and to the fireworks last night (Canada's version of 4th of July yesterday) lots of looks...but she (wife) kind of "falls" in to it ....once in, I think she likes it, but definately has to get used to carrying less stuff...there is no real place to put a few papers, purse, or wallet, phone, etc....(I did find the little storage cubby behind the passenger seat for maps and brochure on car...I bought a brand new Acura Sales brochure on ebay for it-a nice keepsake)...I find myself always saying, "watch the leather seats" ...for fear of the bolsters getting scuffed as we slide down into it....I gotta remember that this IS a car afterall, and meant to be enjoyed...I guess when idolizing over something for so long, and now you have it, I guess I am a little overprotective.

As far as ride, I (we) are both impressed how it handles bumps and such...similar to my MDX...firm, but not is loud however...with roof on, you really hear the exhaust more than anything...with it off, you get more of an awareness of things like rattles and shakes (windows, rear view mirror, wind noise, etc) so the engine seems to be just "one of those things"....but we can still carry on a decent conversation in it whether roof on or off....everyone loves the sound of the exhaust, myself included,...other than the drone at a given RPM range...turns out it is right at 55 - 65 mph....minor issue but I guess I just have to speed up a bit..... its also got some kind of wicked radar detection system...its built into the front and rear liscence plates...with LED's in the gauge cluster area...when you start it up, its like computer noises and lights (remember Kit from Nightrider..?) Anyway, kind of neat...its always going off around town....didn't even think we had that many cops in town for how much it goes....obviously very sensitive, and possibly something else is setting it off....If we didn't have to use front plates here, I would probably remove it all together...but its all part of the plate holder front and back....I'm sure there is a control module or something...I just havn't found it problem with radar detectors is that I don't totally trust them...not that I am a speeder (been about 25 + yrs since my last ticket)and that ironically was in my last manual tranny car, an 85 Prelude...but its like if they don't by chance work, you are getting a whopper of a ticket....I just stay on the cautious side....My TL has more than once wanted to get out and run, and had to hold it

I stopped at my best buddy's place the other day...I hadn't told him I finally got one..even though he knows I've been in the search mode for a long time...he saw the kids driving to grad, so he emailed me and said WTF? finally got one? So I had to take it over to him...he took a tonne of pics of it, then I let him drive...he was very impressed. He and a few other pals are all going through what our wives call mid life crisis'...he has a beautiful MG, others have Trans am's, Mustang's, etc...all now I am part of the Sunday evening cruising group...LOL....

My son keeps challenging me to a bit of a drag with his Charger Daytona (2006 with Hemi)....that thing has wicked torque, and surprisingly very smooth and solid....there was a time last year when based on how good his car feels, I just about jumped at one of the new Challengers...but then I came back to my senses and focused back on the NSX. Sure glad I did....I think deep down he likes it, although he all along has been saying I should have been looking at a Corvette or Viper....for that money, I could have got a very decent Corvette...he is a domestic kind of guy.....and he is pretty big, so doesn't fit in the NSX very well (about 6'4 and built like Arnold-used to be)

There is a car show and shine in conjunction with the local summer fair here in August,...I am hoping to have it fully detailed for that and some replacement parts in place, so it can make its full public debut...I am thinking of taking one of wheels off and putting on a jack stand for the show, to "show off" the look of the great suspension components - its very impressive.... the car show is usually held at a local restaurant thats done up like a 50's style diner....pretty cool....lots of great cars normally show up for it...many of which have custom stereo installations that I did for them in my spare time over the years....its a hobby I really love doing...but honestly, the NSX is the first car I just don't really feel the need to do so...I've always been a supporter of quality sound in a quiet and pleasing environment....the NSX feels like a "racer" to me, hardly the place to spend a lot of time and money on a huge stereo system (thats just my initial gut opion..those primer's with those awesome A/V systems, don't shoot me for saying that...) I will probably do a basic upgrade in the winter off season, but for me, I am somewhat losing my edge to start ripping panels and dash /consoles apart the way I used to years ago....especially when I keep reading how fragile everything on the NSX is....

I am also going to buy a set of those wheel dollies for the winter....I think it will be neat to push the car around the garage as needed to tuck it into a corner....I was also quoted about $600 to install a 3M clear bra for it...really pricey but I am hesitant to get out on the highway without one...I think hood piece would be easy enough to install, but bumper could be a real pain in the a$$....

Oh, and have to share this....the other night when we were out in it, my wife said we needed to get dog food, (2 - Jack Russels) so we were coming out of the pet store, with this huge 60 lb bag of food, and putting it into the trunk, and this guy takes my picture loading the bag of dog food in it with his camera phone and says something to the effect that with a car like that, it didn't seem right that you would still use it to get this case a super huge bag of dog food....I guess it goes back to the decent functionality of the NSX, all things considered...


Question (and yes, I have gone through pages of gallery pics and searches,,) but I am looking for a shot of a silver front end with the bottom lip valance painted the body color? Curious how it would look...that pic of that lowered white one a while back looks awesome....

I am also wanting to paint the Calipers (again, have see quite a few pictures on here of various colors)....I have done my TL's in red, which by the way have stood up perfectly for about 2 years now, and don't want to do another red in the household...but I am thinking that with Silver body and my wheel style, doing a gloss black, with lettering of N S X in red? What do you guys think....?

There is a car show and shine in conjunction with the local summer fair here in August,...I am hoping to have it fully detailed for that and some replacement parts in place, so it can make its full public debut...I am thinking of taking one of wheels off and putting on a jack stand for the show, to "show off" the look of the great suspension components - its very impressive.... the car show is usually held at a local restaurant thats done up like a 50's style diner

An good idea to present your NSX, to make pics (suspension, engine, front trunk) print in big poster and to stick on display unit beside the NSX, thus, people will be able to look at the details of the car without approaching too much and putting the hands everywhere :eek:, it's better to avoid the damage on the body:cool:
for the brake, I think that the black is very quickly dirty, I think that yellow or gold is better and remains clean longer
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Question (and yes, I have gone through pages of gallery pics and searches,,) but I am looking for a shot of a silver front end with the bottom lip valance painted the body color? Curious how it would look...that pic of that lowered white one a while back looks awesome....

I am also wanting to paint the Calipers (again, have see quite a few pictures on here of various colors)....I have done my TL's in red, which by the way have stood up perfectly for about 2 years now, and don't want to do another red in the household...but I am thinking that with Silver body and my wheel style, doing a gloss black, with lettering of N S X in red? What do you guys think....?


Ummm, is this the hard silver front end photo you seek? :eek:

Wow, that is a great story. I don't think I would have been brave enough to let any of my daughter's (I have 3) boyfriends drive it. I have taken 2 of my daughter's boyfriends out for a ride when I owned my NSX, but couldn't fathom actually letting them get behind the wheel. I was very protective with mine. In fact, I never even offered my wife to drive it. She is so short I kept telling her she wouldn't be able to see over the dash anyway..LOL

Congrats! Enjoy the ride.