proof snap ring was repaired by dealer

9 November 2007
i have a 91 that is in snap ring range. called acura customer service/ client relations had them archive to see if it was done said they could only go back 10 years and did not see it. is there any sources that could look back further or am i out of luck. thanks
I drink Miller Lite or Grey Goose:wink: If a bottle or case would magically appear at my house, Im may consider helping:biggrin: PM ME the vin:wink:
I drink Miller Lite or Grey Goose:wink: If a bottle or case would magically appear at my house, Im may consider helping:biggrin: PM ME the vin:wink:

Miller lite... your kidding right ? :biggrin:

The only way you should drink miller lite is to chase a tripple shot of Grey Goose. :biggrin:

If it aint 80 proof+ its a chaser.
i have a 91 that is in snap ring range. called acura customer service/ client relations had them archive to see if it was done said they could only go back 10 years and did not see it. is there any sources that could look back further or am i out of luck. thanks
That doesn't sound right to me, since their records include recalls for safety reasons. Try again, or let The Kid look it up for you.

However, you need to know that the records that Acura HQ keeps are incomplete; they only keep records of work that was done under warranty for recalls. If the previous owner had the work done (even at an Acura dealer) and paid for it, Acura HQ won't have any records of the work. In that case, the only way you can look it up is if you know which dealer the previous owner would have used, and ask that dealer to look it up in their system.

IOW, if Acura tells you the work was done, it was done; but if they tell you they don't have any record of it being done, it might or might not have been done; in that case, I would just assume it had not been done.

If you don't have any proof it has been done, I wouldn't worry about it; just be aware of the symptoms of snap ring failure (loose shift knob when shifting, etc). If and when the symptoms show up, park the car immediately, and have it towed and have the work done; otherwise, just keep driving it (but have the parts replaced if at some point you need transmission work, like a clutch or gear replacement).
Look at your serial number on the trans.
If fixed they where suppose to but a mark of some sorts on the number.
Like an x or something like that, Chris at sos told me but I can't remember.
Miller lite... your kidding right ? :biggrin:

Why Cali guys dont drink beer? Only Martini's and other fruity drinks with little umbrella's in them:biggrin:
if you have your local Acura dealer run a Vin status it should show it as a recall and if it has a C next to it that means its complete if not then it was never completed... only thing I am sure about is if that was infact a recall or just a service bulletin:confused:
if you have your local Acura dealer run a Vin status it should show it as a recall and if it has a C next to it that means its complete if not then it was never completed... only thing I am sure about is if that was infact a recall or just a service bulletin:confused:

Service Bulletin:wink: SHOULD have been a recall:frown:
Why Cali guys dont drink beer? Only Martini's and other fruity drinks with little umbrella's in them:biggrin:

We CA guys drink plenty of beer :smile: . It's just that Miller Lite can't really be classified as "beer". Hop infused water, yes, beer, no. :biggrin: :tongue:

Now where did I put my appletini? :wink:
Why Cali guys dont drink beer? Only Martini's and other fruity drinks with little umbrella's in them:biggrin:

Cadillac Margaritas are very popular in So Cali...or Vodka and RedBull.
Why Cali guys dont drink beer? Only Martini's and other fruity drinks with little umbrella's in them:biggrin:

totally ignored the rest of my post hun! :mad:

we drink beer. as chasers for 3x shot of 80+ proof goodness. :tongue:

i guess if your a real man, you would chase it own with another 3x shot :D

when your down in cali, we'll chase till we pass out :D
If the snap ring was repaired, the upper tranny case # would be different. (they replaced the tranny case in order to fix the problem). Now go back and look at the tranny case #, if it is still the number that is within the range, then it wasn't repaired. If the number is not within the range, then it was repaired.
If the snap ring was repaired, the upper tranny case # would be different. (they replaced the tranny case in order to fix the problem). Now go back and look at the tranny case #, if it is still the number that is within the range, then it wasn't repaired. If the number is not within the range, then it was repaired.
Absolutely WRONG.

The upper transmission case is the part that can be defective for transmissions in the snap ring range. This part, along with the snap ring itself, needs to be replaced.

The transmission number is on the lower transmission case, not the upper transmission case. So the transmission number can only tell you whether or not the transmission is in the snap ring range; if it is in the snap ring range, it cannot tell you whether or not the preventive repair has been made (i.e. whether the upper transmission case has been replaced).
I'm thinking if half the case was replaced and the other is dirty and original, then you can tell the two half's apart and you will know, something was done.
My rebuilt from Sos was half dirty and half shiny when it came in.
Still is!!!
i looked @ sticker on trans no marks out of the ordinary. and the cases look about the same mybe dr. side case ,which i think is one in question, is a little cleaner but if this was done it would of been at leased 10 yrs. back.
any marks or notches on the tranny bolts?

also what color is the tranny sealent bead? they could have used a different color than the factory assembly sealent..... just a long shot.

well if you dont have any paper work, you can always drive the car and hope for the best and have faith in your fellow men.
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i taked to the prev. owner and he said it was done. my main reason for proof is resale i believed owner i just figured acura would store such a large repair.
i taked to the prev. owner and he said it was done. my main reason for proof is resale i believed owner i just figured acura would store such a large repair.
If the previous owner can tell you which dealer (or independent mechanic) performed the repair, you can probably get a receipt or other written documentation directly from them (the dealer or mechanic).