Problem with brakes on 1991 NSX

30 August 2003
Bay Area
I was wondering if anyone can tell me what the problem can be with my brakes. It seems to happen when the car has been running awhile. When stopping, the brake pedal is very soft and will actually go all the way down to the floor if I do not pump the brakes. I have changed the brake fluid and bled the ABS system too. It is intermittent and I am not sure where to start to find the problem. Any insight would be appreciated.
Congratulations on your first post & welcome to NSXPrime!
Where in Bay are you? Be sure to attend our local club meets - see the northwest forum for details.
It still sounds like bleeding issue - some good tips here -
I can highly recommend the speed-bleeders, very nice product for the DIY man.
It might be a problem with a leaky master cylinder - may be worth while trying to bleed one more time however, maybe even get it done at a brake shop with a power system, just to be sure, before you invest the money in a MC.
Or consider this product -
Haven't used it myself butit has been recommended here before too.
Good Luck!