Problem question about rear rotor

1 September 2005
I was replacing lug nuts on my passenger rear wheel and one of the lug studs broke free. It did not break off, but it started to turn freely. I tried to grab it, but my fingers pushed the lug stud inside the rotor.

My question is, can I remove the caliper, and rotor and then put the lug stud back into place?

Or is there any special thing I should know when removing the rear rotor in order to put the lug stud back into place?

And is there anything I need to be careful of so I don't destroy or break anything?
$ $ $

You stripped the hub.....a few dollars will be extracted from you wallet. :frown:
Sooo.....I need to buy a WHOLE BRAND NEW hub? :confused: Because one lug stud has stripped it self out? :mad:

If I need to buy a new hub, what do they sell for? And how much of a pain in the ass is it going to be to replace? :frown:

And also my question still is, can I take the caliper and rotor off without it affecting anything else? Because if that is the case I would like to atleast take those items off so I can take a good look at these items myself all first hand.
I believe the stud is just held in place by pressure from the nut. From what I remember the stud just needs to be pulled back in place and tapped back into the stud housing from the rear. You may have to take the rotor off to get access to the back of the assembly.
As long as uou don't stress the brake lines, you should have no problems. After unbolting the caliper, use a piece of coat hanger to hang the caliper from the the suspension in a way that won't stress or bind the brake lines.
I guess I'll tackle this today and work it out. I really can't let this just sit for another time. I'm pretty sure I can fix this if the stud isn't damaged at the head where it fits into the hub assembly.

I appreciate everyones input also :smile:
I fixed my problem. I removed the wheel. The lug stud had NOT gone into the rotor. It just went beyond the rim lug stud hole.

What I did:
I took the plastic packaging that my tuner lug nuts came in and cut an almost inch in diameter circle section out of the plastic. I punched a hole in the plastic with a screw driver. Then used scissors to wittle the hole almost big enough to fit the lug stud.
I slowly worked the piece of plastic onto a good stud until the hole in it became threaded from the stud. I then began to spin it onto the loose stud, while holding it with a pair of needle nose plyers until it was snug against the rotor.

Then I carefully put the rim back on. And put a lugnut onto the stud slowly until it was finger tight. I put all the lugnuts on and tightened them all and it held perfectly!