Probably the Single Most Disgusting Thing I Have Ever Read

Lost for words ...........
I just read about this on another website. I just can't believe it. That poor poor child. When my wife hears about this, I know she'll start crying on the spot. That poor child. I am so sorry.
Sad, truely sad.

"Texas seems to be a lightning rod," said George Parnham, the Houston attorney who defended Yates. "I don't necessarily go with the idea that we're wackos down here."

Ok, if you say so. Texas leads the country in these type of horrific crimes. There has got be a reason for this. I had a discussion with a couple of pyschiatrists about these sort of crimes. IIRC, it was during the Laney case(Laney case occurred 30 miles from my home). The common thread among these women was: Extreme social isolation, religion fanaticism, some history of mental illness.
loNfastNSX said:
My heart goes out to the father.
The other kids have been taken away from both of them, because, according to a report in the paper this morning, the wife told the husband that she was going to "give her child to God", and he went to work and left her alone with the baby anyway. I'm sure he feels terrible (at least I hope he does), but he is partially to blame.

Dallas Morning News said:
The night before a Plano homemaker killed her 10-month-old daughter, she told her husband she wanted to "give her child to God," court documents say.

The following morning, records show, Dena Schlosser called her husband, John, at work and told him she had cut off the arms of their youngest daughter, Margaret Elizabeth.

Child Protective Services took custody of the couple's other daughters, ages 6 and 9, when their mother was charged with capital murder Monday.

The agency asked a judge Tuesday to terminate the parental rights of both parents, stating that John Schlosser did not protect Margaret from his wife.
How a parent can leave a child with someone who has a history of mental problems, and makes a statement like this, is beyond me.

Also, imagine what it must feel like being the first one on a crime scene such as this, whether it's a cop or a paramedic. That image will probably haunt you.

Didn't see that part. Still, Im sure he never in a million years thought that his wife would so somthing like this. I do agree though, he should have been more aware. Sad sad sad. Good point about the first on the scene as well. That person will live with that sight for a long long time.
This is truly sad and disturbing. Did anyone hear the 911 call? They played it on the news last night. I have seen and heard some amazing and disturbing things in my life, but when I heard that tape play I, I don't know. I just got this sick feeling in my stomach. More so than I ever have before. My wife was sitting down feeding our baby and just wanted to burst out in tears. The mom was so calm when she called. Has anyone else heard it? I honestly could not believe how then even played it on the air.

Did anyone see the mug shot of this mom? She's smiling in it! :eek:
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This makes me so sad/mad whenever I hear stories like this. We have 2 diferent friends that have been trying to have kids of their own for years. They finally put the papers in for adoption about a year ago and still don't have a baby. It's just sad thinking that these people would make great parents and then there are other parents in the world doing this crap to their kids. :mad: