Primers nationally known?

23 February 2008
We had a family BBQ yesterday and my brother in law who is on the 350Z site showed us a thread on a VW site that was posted on his 350Z.

There was a bunch of us sitting around reading and laughing at when a couple pages later the posters on the VW forum started talking about Prime! :tongue:

So we then followed the VW board to the Prime board where we read NSX Nick.

WOW! You guys are funny, we cracked up off thethreads for nearly an hour. Appearantly everyone is comparing to the Nick postings nationwide.

Its crazy how all the boards are linked together. 350Z to Vortex VW to NSX prime to ... shemale vids ... ??
lol, that thread already has a link on prime a few posts down lol.

but i have one quick question for you.... "shemale vids" WTF, please tell me you dont watch those while posting on prime:wink:
I didnt get it either ... that's what the thread said and all the pictures were "X"ed out