prime members backyards?

some nice looking backyard guys!
01blacks4 said:
WTF erin...i thought you bought that toll house.....
nice back yard though erin...
Nah Marc, I passed on that one when they raised the base price $50K the day before I went in to finalize the build plans. That made me a little upset, plus put the cost really close to $1mil. I just bought a different house though - already built and all - from a major league baseball player - same general area - very nice. :)

BTW, those are some sweet pictures of your backyard!
Here's my backyard:

As you can tell by my foxy lady friend's faces, they are impressed with my front yard also:biggrin:
redshift said:
when you move you should consider Aviano at Desert Ridge. Beautiful master planned communities with semi-custom homes. We almost bought out there.
Aviano is nice, but it's basically just McMansions. If I had that kind of cash, I would build a custom like this.

Of course, that house isn't an option for you since you don't like the west side. :biggrin:

Wow you guys have some really nice places. I'm just glad I get to enjoy the NSX experience. I'm at home with the parents for another year or so.
Here's mine. I like to let my birds out every day to stretch their wings a little. :biggrin:

PHOEN$X said:
Aviano is nice, but it's basically just McMansions. If I had that kind of cash, I would build a custom like this.

Of course, that house isn't an option for you since you don't like the west side. :biggrin:
Yeah, Aviano is kind of force fed to you, but I really like the community center being just a few hundred yards from home. You can just walk to the gym and get a massage afterward right in the comfort of your neighborhood. Of course, it's not easy to spend that kind of money on a place either... I was willing to do it, but even a slight (relatively speaking) increase in price prompted me to change my mind. Maybe I was secretly looking for a good reason to not buy. :wink:

That custom home has a beautiful backyard and view, but I don't like the architecture and it's right off a main road :eek:. Hehe, I didn't say that I don't like the west side, it's just too out there for my current lifestyle. I've seem some amazing houses in Arrowhead lakes that made my jaw drop!!!

Shumdit & DocL, I pooped my pants after seeing the pure beauty that are your backyards!
moved in to our new house last October....



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710 said:
my backyard during building of my house:biggrin:

My wife is a keen gardener, look what she planted now. NSXes spouting up everywhere!

Now THAT is a backyard!! :D

That is a nice backyard lol....too bad its not mines.....but you guys have real nice houses.
Ok people you all have way to much land and green stuff. Lets see some shoe box backyards and brown.

I live in a townhouse -- I don't have a backyard at all.

Here's the Google Earth view:


The little car is not my NSX, but my old beater (since donated).
Another Google Earth pic:


Mine are the buildings with the red roofs.
The rocks to their left are in my backyard.
The center mountain in the background
is the tallest in the USA outside of Alaska.
Taken last week, will loose 1/2 - 3/4 of my view do to progress next year.......
They are finally building on the Tomato fields. 350 homes, Hotels, Strip Mall's etc.
My little city has grown from about 10,000 in 1976 when I moved here, to about 70,000 today
(with no end in sight) Progress..................:mad:

flaminio said:
I live in a townhouse -- I don't have a backyard at all.

Here's the Google Earth view:


The little car is not my NSX, but my old beater (since donated).
How can you be sure? thay all look the same.
Here's my big pools or stone structures, but we enjoy it!

of all the backyards posted, i like yours the best. only possible improvement i can think of is a whaler.

way cool - i wanna be you (but my wife won't move.)