"Prime Care" to support our owner / members...

10 April 2000
Silicon Valley

as some of you know from this thread http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110290, another nsx owner / prime member is off to pull duty in a combat zone - this time, afghanistan.

in that thread, a number of us said we'd be glad to contribute to the creation / shipping of care packages to them once they were in-country. (if you've ever been "in-country" you'll know how much they are appreciated.)

so, if you would like to contribute / participate in providing NSXPrime Care Packages to these owner / prime members, please send me an email via prime and we'll get the ball rolling. (note to lud: please let me know if you do not want NSXPrime used in the name - we'll just make them Prime Care Packages.)

looking forward to hearing from everyone who indicated their interest in the other thread.

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Ive been there and I can tell you what (the majority) of guys really need. AA batteries, porn mags, smokes and chew, pringles, Soda, Sometimes a newspaper, can's of air like for your keyboard, this helps keep weapons clean. And whatever else THEY might request I guess.
I am in, I have sent baby wipes, beef jerky, "scope mouthwash" (10% scope 90% vodka ), magazines, shaving cream, razors etc and most important....

write a good letter, I was told by a former US Marine friend , the letter is important to raise their spirits and you can not imagine how many times it gets read over and over again.
Count me in for letters (via email for someone sending the boxes to print) and for donations.

Do we have some people lined up to receive?

Name the goods (sans' p0rn/condoms/etc') & provide an addie, I'd be more than obliged to provide for our guys/gals out there! :cool:
thx for your interest / support, folks - we've got 6 of us in thus far.

pls send me an email via prime with your email address so we can work as a team to define basic procedures such as recipient selections / content / value / "who does what" in building / shipping the packages.

looks like we can make this first round in time for the holiday season!


Thanks, sorry for shouting.
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Count me in for letters (via email for someone sending the boxes to print) and for donations.

Do we have some people lined up to receive?

Email Hal...he's got a queu of members that want to help. It's a great idea that I kinda wish we would have done sooner. But better late than never and I look forward to helping our forces in harm's way.
funny the support stops when you get home. I just hope none of those guys have to go thru a divorce when they return. I make squat compared to most of you and now 1/4 of my disibility retirement is going to HER. All I need is a lawyer and it seems there is not one of them In the ENTIRE state of california that would help me for a reduced rate or even payments. Funny how intelligent they are but when you tell them you have a fixed income for LIFE they STILL wont work with you!:mad:
General order number 1 includes no PORN, LOL I see it mentioned above for care package, all hell your only human,

Anyways if your in THEATRE and you need stuff I am leaving on the 2nd week of OCT. I have stuff I will be giving away if you need it, IE: Miscrowave, TV, etc. Prime members in Theatre will have first dibs. PM me if your here overseas and need items for your room etc and I will send you alist of what I have and we'll exchange APO addresses and names.

Damn Sarge, too bad your not in the FL, SC, GA area, I know probably a dozen attorney's who take payments when it's a veteran or active member.

queenlives: count me in for whatever I can do.
General order number 1 includes no PORN, LOL I see it mentioned above for care package, all hell your only human,

About two years ago a good friend of mine was in Iraq and I put together a care package for him. Top of the list? Porn. I went down to the local Borders with my (then 2 year old) daughter and gathered up 3-4 magazine and then walked up to the counter with her. Put them on the counter. She looked at me, then looked at my daughter, then looked at me. I mustered up a "they are not for me" with a straight face. The woman looks at me and says, "so they are for her?" pointing to my daughter. I was like, "um, no. just ring it up". I think that was the first, and only, time I have PAID for porn. LOL.

as noted earlier in the thread, please send me an email via prime if you would like to be included in the list going forward.


as noted earlier in the thread, please send me an email via prime if you would like to be included in the list going forward.

bump per team member request.

we're creating the package list now and will soon ask for deployed owner / prime members to step forward if you'd like to be included in the recipient list.

additional contributors are always welcome, just email me to be included.

UPDATE:: Re: "Prime Care" to support our owner / members...

after receiving an email from another person who wants to contribute, it occurred to me that we still haven't had a deployed person raise their hand for a "Prime Care" package to be sent their way.

if any Afghanistan / Iraq theater-deployed nsx owners want goodies from home, please pm me and we'll get the ball rolling in your direction.

as always, thx to primers who have offered their contributions!
its a good idea, i am thinking the problem is once a service guy lands in iraq, it will be a few weeks until he has a shipping address to give to family and friends. I know that internet access there is scarce. What we need is a solid address, not an email, where these guys can write to and from there it can be posted on prime....just my .02
its a good idea, i am thinking the problem is once a service guy lands in iraq, it will be a few weeks until he has a shipping address to give to family and friends. I know that internet access there is scarce. What we need is a solid address, not an email, where these guys can write to and from there it can be posted on prime....just my .02
good point, sarge. how about if they write / speak to their family members with their requests and have them post them / pm me?
How about setting up something where anyone can contribute their donations through paypal. Needed items can then be purchased and sent through Prime.
How about setting up something where anyone can contribute their donations through paypal. Needed items can then be purchased and sent through Prime.
sarge, thx for the offer - we'll keep that in mind!

as for pp, that's pretty much been part of the thinking from the beginning. various primers have offered to pay / contribute goods / pack / ship... literally, whatever is needed to make it happen.

we're still waiting for the first deployed nsx owner / prime member to raise their hand... operators are standing by!
Okay, so i will be the first to "Raise my hand" and say "I'm Deployed to the Middle East".

My addy is:

PO1 James Ryan
CTG 57.1 Navy
APO, AE 09309

Okay, so i will be the first to "Raise my hand" and say "I'm Deployed to the Middle East".

My addy is:

PO1 James Ryan
CTG 57.1 Navy
APO, AE 09309

hi james,

i just pm'd in response to your message on my wall / board / thingie... great to hear from you! we'll follow through as noted in my pm.

Looks like I'm jumping in on this one a little late, but would feel honord to help out..

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