Prime Canyon Drive Video 2002?

I'll have to check and see if I ever downloaded it to my home PC...I don't have it here at work.
Hey Eric- something tells me you would be the guy to have it!! :D

I have Lud checking his archival CD's tonight as well.

I usually have all my stuff backed up, but for some reason, this video is on none of my backups!! Go figure. :mad:

lemme know if you find it!


You are not going to believe this!

Ive spent the last hour or so looking through old back-up CD’s, doing an “F3” file search for *.WMV, and had the last CD in the drive a couple of minutes ago searching as I posted this last message above. After closing the web browser, guess what’s staring me in the face? The missing video file!!! It was on an obscure directory like 5 levels off the root of the last CD I just got out the archives this afternoon! So I have it now!!! Thanks Eric and Lud for looking for me. If you would like a copy, I can now get you one. It’s 11.8 MB.
