Price Check 2005???

I change mine every 2000, but keep in mind, even by Acura's own maintenance standards, this car could still be on it's first oil & filter change... :wink:
That's what I'd expect too, DrVolk. Absolutely, which reminds me it's going to be about time for me to change mine! I believe I have about 3k miles since it was done - close enough I guess.

Say do you guys do your own oil changes or does anyone use these "Jiffy Lube" type places or do you take it to the dealer? I would take it to the dealer but I've heard it's about a 75buck hit for something that should cost half that.

Any advice - other than do it yourself. Thanks:smile:
No, it won't need much, but it should have had 5 oil changes in my opinion. (for me it's 3k or every year... but that's me)

For's every 3K or twice a year. For the price of an oil change, I can throw in one every six months.
Changing oil every 2000 miles is way too often. I better start writting down each time I change the oil.

I suffer from OCD :biggrin: so, I prefer my oil to still look like honey when I drain it....can't hurt anything but my checkbook! :wink:
Changing oil every 2000 miles is way too often. I better start writting down each time I change the oil.

That depends. I would not go more than 12 months at any mileage. I change mine every fall (about this time). Usually that means 1200 to 2000 miles.