Price Check 2005???

24 September 2009
What price would be considered a "deal" for a buyer on the following car?

14k miles
6 speed
excellent condition, but no service history.

I'm only interested in buying it, if I can sell it in a year without losing my pants (I understand that no one knows what will happen with the economy, etc...Just give me your first inclination). I really don't want to buy an '05 (don;t want to pay that much $), but I will if it appears to be a great "Deal." thanks for your responses.

Thanks all.
Don't buy the car unless you can accept taking a loss. How much? No one knows, but I'd expect at least a 5k hit.
I understand the possibility is always there of taking a loss.

If anyone can provide me with their opinion with regards to an actual number, it would be appreciated.
I don't see that guy letting it go in the 40's without a fight. It has 14k miles, I'm not sure what service could even be done outside of some fluid changes.
Just talked to the guy, looks like the lowest price will be around $58k, which does not seem like a great deal to me...Maybe a fair price, but I'll probably pass since I was only going to consider it if it was a no brainer.

why no service history ???????????????????????????????:confused:
A great deal would be $50k. Price should be high 50's low 60's depending on service/condition, etc.

It should still be worth mid 50's in a year if you keep the miles below 20k.

But, in this economy, finding a buying could take awhile. You might be trying to sell it for $49k if you need to unload it quick.
$50k for a 05 with 14k miles? Unless its been painted you guys are on crack.

Certainly a service history of some sort (again, probably just fluids) would be nice. Is this at a dealer??

$55-59k would be a "deal" with the no service history.

I don't remember there being any more than 2-3 05s with less than $20k for sale. If there were 5 in every color, then yes $55k is a deal.

An 05 is going to hold its value (in the long run) better than any other short of a Zanardi or NA2 coupe.

Of course, I am biased :rolleyes:
55,000 with no service 57,000 with the normal timing belt water pump service Im not sure how much you would lose on this car I figure in a year if you put 10,000 miles on it umm you maybe could get 50 to 52,000 resale MAYBE!!!
If everything checks out okay, car is in the color I want (I dislike black with a passion; it really hides the beauty of those side intakes), and not 2000 miles away from my house, I'd probably pay 55-58k for it. But it may NOT be a great deal considering the economy, it's just what I'd pay for a 05 NSX.

I was talking to a dealership about an 04 this week. Similar condition with similar price. I kinda gave up because the sales manager was rude(from a Honda dealership, now why am I not surprised). After seeing your 05 deal I think I was right not getting that 04.

I just got a M5 this January. 18k off sticker, 0% lease program, and plus another saving on the buyout in three years. That's nearly $30k off sticker. If you check the M5 forum you'll find those deals all over the country. The price of NSX is dropping, and will continue to drop in this economy. However, you need to know what YOU are willing to pay for the car you desire. If you're looking for a DEAL, you probably want to pick up an M3 or R8.

For all the NSX I've considered, I was looking at shipping costs from $1,800 to $2,100, plus my airfare to close the deal. Having one locally is really a blessing. Just my 2 cents.
I would agree with the 55k to 58k price and I wouldn't think you'd loose much at all in a year with say 5k more miles - that would still be less than 20k. These cars are only going to drop badly if everyone goes nuts trying to sell by dumping their cars for low bucks. Hope all these sellers aren't in financial trouble cause that is the worst for depreciating values - a lot of em on sale that "need" to go. Not good - I say hold on and things will get better on resale. These cars are so good and they're no more of em- it's the same 8000 cars just trading around. They are wonderful cars and they just don't need much maintenance. Especially a 2005 - hell it doesn't even need a timing belt or Wp or anything major. It's just regular maintenance - what records? There really shouldn't be any but for tires and oil changes. I mean what's to maintain with 14k miles - really guys. This is a no brainer car anyway.

I would never go into this economy buying a car that you think you'll need to sell in a year - are you crazy? The only way you should buy one is if you don't ever have to sell it. That's not smart in this economy - it's not going to get way better fast - and that's for sure! Is this a really serious inquiry? Sometimes posts like this make me wonder!:rolleyes:
What service history would you guys need on an '05 w/14k miles? :confused: I have no service history on a '04 w/16k. So, my car is worth less because I do all of my own maintenance work... what little is required, and the closest Acura dealer being a 170 miles away. :rolleyes:

A valve adjustment is the only difficult thing that comes to mind and even that's a breeze with the right tools... :smile:
I realize after I typed my message that major service is not due yet,I just find it odd that any of the records of anything are unavailable.The car could not possibly be damaged by neglect but it would be nice to know that the oil is not the breakin oil:redface:
I realize after I typed my message that major service is not due yet,I just find it odd that any of the records of anything are unavailable.The car could not possibly be damaged by neglect but it would be nice to know that the oil is not the breakin oil:redface:

This is the reason I send my oil in for analysis. I don't have hard receipts from oil purchase (though I could probably come up with them and have a drawer full of oil, filters, and plug washers) but with the analysis a future owner sees:

1) The oil was actually changed and its in good shape
2) I am anal about the car

All things that should help the next owner, the one after them, and the one after them......
Payton 34....Might try asking owners of '05's who recently purchased (within the last 6 months) the details of their transaction...

My experience is the price I should pay is what I DO pay regardless of conjecture.

Pretty car BTW.
What's the motivation?

For such a new car with super-low miles, you're going to pay a premium and eat many dollars per mile that you drive it.

If you're just in it for an "NSX fix" for a year, why not get an older one with high miles with maintenance done for much cheaper. Drive the crap out of it without much money loss. Then sell it for nearly the same price.
I think 05 will always be high in price. When i was selling my 2003 i only had one thing in mind... One day i will find and over pay for a mint 2005 and then i will never sell it. I hope there is more people like me so there would be a big gap in price difference between 2002-2004 and 2005.
I think 05 will always be high in price. When i was selling my 2003 i only had one thing in mind... One day i will find and over pay for a mint 2005 and then i will never sell it. I hope there is more people like me so there would be a big gap in price difference between 2002-2004 and 2005.

Unfortunately it may be our wishful thinking. Before GT psp launched they did a poll, NSX didn't even make into the top. GTR and Vette were on the top if I remember it right. The reason I would pay premium for an NSX is it's my dream car since high school. But if you ask today's high school kids what their dream car is, I'd guarantee you NSX won't make anywhere close to the top. As a matter of fact it may not even be on the list. More than half of my male students in the university don't even know what NSX is (that freak'in pisses me off). The bottom line is that, today's 20 years old sees an NSX as us see a Gran Torino. They're awesome cars in different generation's eyes, but if we think the car will keep it's value we're day dreaming. Like every used-car in the market, the price of NSX is going nowhere but down. You can count on that.
What service history would you guys need on an '05 w/14k miles? :confused: I have no service history on a '04 w/16k. So, my car is worth less because I do all of my own maintenance work... what little is required, and the closest Acura dealer being a 170 miles away. :rolleyes:

A valve adjustment is the only difficult thing that comes to mind and even that's a breeze with the right tools... :smile:


Some of these people seem to be obsessed about having maintenant records or they want to low ball the sellers for not having records. IT IS A FRICKING HONDA, PEOPLE.
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Right you are drtruong - it's a f'n Honda with 14k miles at that and it's an 05.

Now back to the guy that posted this - any of us primers with cars looked at this guys profile.....:rolleyes:. There is no info about him there. This is one of "those" posts!

Total BS and he's pulling our chain with no intention of forking over serious money for an 05 ......Paaaaleeeesse - save it! Gotta read between the lines on bull like this guys.

The best post so far for "this" guy is the one by dougpr - buy a cheap/old one with lots of miles and maintenance done and drive the poo out of it and sell it in a year. Hey you think there's a little icon smily something that looks like a turkey??? This one would win the "gobble" award!

Later - Onward!

Some of these people seem to be obsessed about having maintenant records or they want to low ball the sellers for not having records. IT IS A FRICKING HONDA, PEOPLE.

It's still almost a 5 year old car. I'd like to see oil changes, etc before I plop down cash on a $60k car.

No, it won't need much, but it should have had 5 oil changes in my opinion. (for me it's 3k or every year... but that's me)