It's about an NSX video that will take longer and longer to finish if you keep asking about it :biggrin::biggrin::tongue:
But all joking aside, to get back on topic from the few posts recently, this thread really is about a video project made possible by the collaboration of 8 wonderful members here on prime.
This project, at the VERY least, is just as important to me as it is to everyone involved. It has taken a long time, and I'm sure it will take more time to complete. But, rest assured, I have no plans on stopping until it's done. I know exactly what I want to see in this video, and I won't call it complete until I'm happy with the end result, no matter what. With that in mind, try to be patient; everyone will benefit in the end, you'll see.
Importantly, I really appreciate the kind words from all of the members here:smile:.
So, with everything in mind, lets get the topic back on track to more important things: NSX's Gone Wild.
As it is a thread about the video, don't hesitate to ask ANY questions about it at anytime. (Just note that every time I'm on here answering questions, I'm not editing :wink