Prepping to exact revenge on RPM217.....

28 March 2002
As many of you are aware, Roger had been whining about losing to my track rat in local car shows and/or getting a smaller trophy for his "win" than I received for mine. He became so petty and jealous last year that he brought the judges over to show them the flaws in the paint of my 11 year-old, 100,000+ mile, 50 track days driven NSX compared to his. They took pity on him and gave him a best in class so he would stop holding his breath and turning blue (it clashed with his yellow NSX).

I was trying to figure out what would be a good new year's resolution and then I decided to spend some of my anticipated windfall profits from my ultimate representation of his future ex-wife and do a little work on the old NSX. As it awaits its "facelift" from the master himself at Vince's, a few accessories have been trickling in.

So, Roger, get ready for a good old fashioned ass whoopin' this season.....



Nice rims Bob. The silverstone color will look good with that new Joe applied black paint job. Don't forget about the clear bra so it stays a car show favorite.:biggrin: If your looking for more goodies, Comptech is up and running again (
First things first Bob, those rims look great, I do think that you should put tires on them before you mount them on the car!!!
Joe is certainly the best, almost a magician, but your car is still going to be what it is, it's not yellow, it's a high mileage track rat, and you'll always wup my butt in that category. It won't win in the best exotic competition, unless you bribe the "home team" judges like you did 2 years ago!!!!:eek: :biggrin:
Bob man I'm starting to worry about you.I think you may be getting too intimate with your car:wink: The "wheel as home decorations" is best left to the young car obsessed kinda like Mike!lol:tongue: I just don't want to see your car dressed in victoria's secret panties and high heels:eek:
Nice wheels Bob I almost bought these when they were for sale. I see you shot these with a wide angle as the wheels in the photo on the side are slightly askew.
So, Roger, get ready for a good old fashioned ass whoopin' this season.....

Bob, please let me know when the next judging event is. I'd be honored to attend and cast my vote in your favor for Best in Class and Best Exotic:smile:

There is no reason a high mileage, black and beautiful NSX with new wheels can't blow the doors off an ordinary and boring yellow NSX :biggrin:
Like a fine vintage wine, your NSX will be unbeatable!:smile::smile:
Bob, please let me know when the next judging event is. I'd be honored to attend and cast my vote in your favor for Best in Class and Best Exotic:smile:

There is no reason a high mileage, black and beautiful NSX with new wheels can't blow the doors off an ordinary and boring yellow NSX :biggrin:
Like a fine vintage wine, your NSX will be unbeatable!:smile::smile:
Tony's just jealous because Bags told him that she didn't want him coming to the dinner next week, as he's just a bore. Bob's car will definitely win in the refurbished track rat category, as far as high mileage, he will also take top honors for daily driven. Now if you were to bring that faded silver, poor excuse for a high mileage car of yours, the only trophy it will win, will be for last place!!!! We love having you with us, it makes everyone else's look one car better!!!!:biggrin:
RPM217 said:
Tony's just jealous because Bags told him that she didn't want him coming to the dinner next week, as he's just a bore.

Please keep on topic, there is another thread here to discuss the holiday dinner.

RPM217 said:
Bob's car will definitely win in the refurbished track rat category, as far as high mileage, he will also take top honors for daily driven. Now if you were to bring that faded silver, poor excuse for a high mileage car of yours, the only trophy it will win, will be for last place!!!! We love having you with us, it makes everyone else's look one car better!!!!:biggrin:

I wouldn't want to cloud the judges decision between the Balck Beauty and the mellow yellow NSX's by introducing my well aged exotic silver into the competition.

Again, please keep on topic :smile:
I wouldn't want to cloud the judges decision between the Balck Beauty and the mellow yellow NSX's by introducing my well aged exotic silver into the competition.

Come join us this year. I can help you load the extra large trophy you will win with your sensational silver when it beats Rogers whining yellow.
Bob man I'm starting to worry about you.I think you may be getting too intimate with your car:wink: The "wheel as home decorations" is best left to the young car obsessed kinda like Mike!lol:tongue: I just don't want to see your car dressed in victoria's secret panties and high heels:eek:

This was the first (but hopefully not the last) time anything associated with my car was clean enough for an indoor shoot. Don't worry, I won't go off the deep end like The Don who has a coffee table made out of his old wheel. :biggrin:

But about that photo op of a Prodrive in a thong.........
Come join us this year. I can help you load the extra large trophy you will win with your sensational silver when it beats Rogers whining yellow.

Wouldn't that be a hoot - We both win trophies and Roger goes home empty handed :smile: Hopefully the competition is not going to coincide with my trip to Romania...
To add some extra sparkle I suppose I should get my windshield replaced before the show.
Wouldn't that be a hoot - We both win trophies and Roger goes home empty handed :smile: Hopefully the competition is not going to coincide with my trip to Romania...
To add some extra sparkle I suppose I should get my windshield replaced before the show.
That's it, the conspiracy is so noted, I guess that maybe to make it easy on you, I just won't show up, that way the two of you are guaranteed to win at least one trophy. Remember, my car didn't just beat Bob's for best exotic, it bested the field, can Tony's sedate, boring silver beater do that, well........................................I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wouldn't that be a hoot - We both win trophies and Roger goes home empty handed :smile: Hopefully the competition is not going to coincide with my trip to Romania...
To add some extra sparkle I suppose I should get my windshield replaced before the show.

I knew it... I knew it...
Going back to your Vampiric Roots. You're one of those Daywalker things:eek:
Well, Romania came to mind during the last full moon when I started feeling a transformation flowing through my veins - although it was more werewolvian in nature:biggrin:

That's one scary picture... Did you take that after Bags locked you out of the house for the last lens purchase? or was that your look after you hid all the razors because she wanted to cut something else off when she found out you bought 7 more 8 gig high speed digital cards? :rolleyes:

See you on Saturday....
That's one scary picture... Did you take that after Bags locked you out of the house for the last lens purchase? or was that your look after you hid all the razors because she wanted to cut something else off when she found out you bought 7 more 8 gig high speed digital cards? :rolleyes:

See you on Saturday....

I was sitting around the house for 11 days doing nothing so I figured I would do absolutely nothing at all - the photo was the result.

It was nice to be like a king with a dedicated servant :smile:
I was sitting around the house for 11 days doing nothing so I figured I would do absolutely nothing at all - the photo was the result.

It was nice to be like a king with a dedicated servant :smile:
Yeah, that'll be the day, Bags is far smarter than that, in fact, we all wonder what lapse she suffered when she said I do. By the way, all owe an apology to Bob for this threadjacking. Soooooo, to bring it back to topic.....I definitely recognize that Bob's car will win in the refurbished track rat, high mileage daily driver, and if I show up, my car will once again reign supreme in the Exotic category!!!!
Alright, here it is for all of you who don't know what really happened to Bob yesterday. If you read the original post, you all plainly see that he threatened to give me an "ass whipping", I'm sure that even you non attorneys can recognize that as "threatened assualt and battery". After I consulted my "other attorneys", they told me that it's the wusses way out to deal with a threat of this nature with legal action, that it required a more "emphatic response" what did I do, I had my "boys" take him out of competition. I had casuallly invited him to join with me, Bailey, another "forum" that I belong to, and a few "friends" who's last names end in "vowels" to also join us. The plan was simple, we went to a new Karting Track, for a "private event", after 3 qualifying heats (we let Bob get one of the top places in these heats", Bob and I made into the "finals" (Bailey graciously agreed to not qualify so he could better observe the coming "carnage"). After the start, on the first turn, "my boys" put Bob into the barrier, the barrier lifted and came crashing down on his left leg (knee area), immediately causing him to lose feeling in his foot, followed by excrutiating pain and swelling. After I completed the race (unfortunately I had to have my boys put me into the barrier, causing me to lose the air cover and rendering my Kart to have no power, to take suspicion away from me) I did the right thing and took my fallen NSX buddy to the emergency room, stayed with him for over 3 hours and waited for the appears to be a "hairline fracture" (see Bob, you can make hair appear). After this event, I don't think that Bob will be threatening me any more, as a matter of fact, he probably will help me clean my car before the next auto show. Joe has promised me that to the untrained eye, Bob's car will look flawless, but we know what that really means. Bob, so sorry to have to deal with your threats in this manner, but you really left me no other choice.

Heal quickly my friend!!
After I consulted my "other attorneys", they told me that it's the wusses way out to deal with a threat of this nature with legal action, that it required a more "emphatic response" what did I do, I had my "boys" take him out of competition. I had casuallly invited him to join with me, Bailey, another "forum" that I belong to, and a few "friends" who's last names end in "vowels" to also join us. The plan was simple, we went to a new Karting Track, for a "private event", after 3 qualifying heats (we let Bob get one of the top places in these heats", Bob and I made into the "finals" (Bailey graciously agreed to not qualify so he could better observe the coming "carnage"). After the start, on the first turn, "my boys" put Bob into the barrier, the barrier lifted and came crashing down on his left leg (knee area), immediately causing him to lose feeling in his foot, followed by excrutiating pain and swelling.

Now that I have Roger's confession memorialized before he can edit his post, I am sure my leg will heal much faster knowing that I will soon have all of his money. First, I will get my fee on 1/2 of his assets when I represent his future ex-wife and then I will file suit against him for intentionally causing my injury. Notice that I throw in the word "intentionally". That is because if I said "negligently" his homeowner's insurance would cover the lawsuit and I want his money, not the carrier's.

Thank you, Roger, for bringing me to and waiting for me in the hospital. But an extra thank you to you for being my first witness in the trial as to my pain and suffering.

Cha ching...............

Hi Bob,

I'm wishing you a speedy and painless recovery.
Please let me know if you need another witness as Roger had gleefully bragged during our holiday dinner (where you were sorely missed) about his success in the intentional carnage he inflicted upon you. Also note that I too know people with names ending in vowels who have performed bodily and property damage on my behalf - let's not forget my family is from Sicily. I won't mention the time frame or details in this public space.:smile:

Again, get well soon!!!
Hi Bob,

I'm wishing you a speedy and painless recovery.
Please let me know if you need another witness as Roger had gleefully bragged during our holiday dinner (where you were sorely missed) about his success in the intentional carnage he inflicted upon you. Also note that I too know people with names ending in vowels who have performed bodily and property damage on my behalf - let's not forget my family is from Sicily. I won't mention the time frame or details in this public space.:smile:

Again, get well soon!!!
You know Bob, I do recall Tony saying that he knew the same people that I did, and since he didn't want anything "heart healthy", he hatched a plot for a second free meal, and thus your "injury". He had such a smile on his face when I told him that you had gotten injured and he could eat your meal too. Makes you kind of wonder, doesn't it?
You know Bob, I do recall Tony saying that he knew the same people that I did, and since he didn't want anything "heart healthy", he hatched a plot for a second free meal, and thus your "injury". He had such a smile on his face when I told him that you had gotten injured and he could eat your meal too. Makes you kind of wonder, doesn't it?

Fabrication and lies coming from the master - Roger. But I am sure Bob knows the truth! I had one meal and only one dessert. Roger tried to coerce me to take an additional meal and dessert, I suspect another failed attempt to direct suspicion away from himself!

And to be clear, my people are not related to his people.

Roger, you've already confessed and it's now too late to try to cast doubt on that guilt by fabricating new stories with additional perpetrators.

Good luck trying to defend your assets.
Fabrication and lies coming from the master - Roger. But I am sure Bob knows the truth! I had one meal and only one dessert. Roger tried to coerce me to take an additional meal and dessert, I suspect another failed attempt to direct suspicion away from himself!

And to be clear, my people are not related to his people.

Roger, you've already confessed and it's now too late to try to cast doubt on that guilt by fabricating new stories with additional perpetrators.

Good luck trying to defend your assets.
Tony, you're protesting way to vehemently, we all know that you're guilty. The real reason that Bags didn't attend last night was because she knew what you had done, and couldn't face us!!!