Pre-owned NSX vs. New MZ4

2slow2speed said:
Short of a F360 Spyder or a F430 Spyder the only convertible MR car that will outhandle the NSX out of the box will be the Boxster S with PASM.


Thanks for the laugh. Even if the NSX had a flat tire the Boxster would be seriously challenged. Those ugly little things handle like the oxcarts that they really are. :)
Hugh said:

Thanks for the laugh. Even if the NSX had a flat tire the Boxster would be seriously challenged. Those ugly little things handle like the oxcarts that they really are. :)

LOL, I'm taking your comments tongue in cheek, given that at some point you seriously considered buying a Ford GT :tongue: hehe.

Boxsters might be ugly but they will outhandle a stock NA1/NA2 anyday, sad but true :( 987S's with PASM can pull close to 1g worth of lateral acceleration with stock factory alignment settings and Michellin PS2s.
2slow2speed said:
LOL, I'm taking your comments tongue in cheek, given that at some point you seriously considered buying a Ford GT :tongue: hehe.

The Ford GT is still on my shopping list. Just waiting for the right color to show up at my price.

2slow2speed said:
Boxsters might be ugly but they will outhandle a stock NA1/NA2 anyday, sad but true :( 987S's with PASM can pull close to 1g worth of lateral acceleration with stock factory alignment settings and Michellin PS2s.

Might be ugly? Nope, there's no doubt at all. They are ugly. I'll grant you that a Boxster with PASM might have a higher lateral g threshold than a stock NSX but I guarantee you that if you take the same driver and have him/her do 5 laps around any race track on both cars, the NSX will have a lower time.

Why is it that at every HPDE that I've attended, a Boxster slammed into the wall? Oh yeah, that's right because they suck. :)
Man o man....this is a buzz kill...I really thought I wanted a MZ4...the more I read, the more I am undecided

My last play cars in order: S2000, E46 M3 coupe, S2000, E46 M3 vert, now nothing....I am considering exactly the same two cars. In my situation though, I have resigned myself to accept the styling of the MZ4....also considering a Honda Ridgeline for my crappy weather driver.....if I added a Pontiac Aztec, I would have the ugliest garage out there...

I loved my S2000s and the M3s.....totally different cars. My take on the situation...the S2000 falls just a bit short on power, I do not mod my cars to improve the power, and it is tight for my frame...the e46 M3 is just way too heavy and I already have a daily driver....don't like the Boxster/Cayman...have considered a used NSX but have "new caritis" and am concerned about "history" on a used NSX....the MZ4 allows me to almost fully stretch my legs, has a wonderful engine, 10 seconds and you are topless, I love the seats, and for some reason I like the handling...maybe this is because I have never spent much seat time in a mid-engine car. My problem at this point is trying to figure out why I can't move forward with the purchase.....well, there is this nagging voice that keeps telling me "NSX".

So I will either nut up for a leftover new NSX (yes I have found one), settle on the MZ4 and probably sell it in 24 months, or just hold out for the perfect used NSX....unlike times when I was younger, I would take the path of least resistance and buy the that I am older and hopefully wiser, I do believe the perfect car is out there and it is an NSX. Hold out and look for the NSX....
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I personally like the looks of the Cayman, and the new boxster to a lesser extent. However, the Z4 is something it looks like my dog squatted and deposited in the yard. To any Z4 owners here who might be reading this: I am sorry....

you bought such an ugly piece of crap car:biggrin:
This thread really hits home.. I owned a 95 NSX and for some reason I can't remember, sold it and bought a 2003 M3 SMG. Great car in all respects, but there was somthiing missing.

I thought it might be the T-Top so I started looking at M3 convertables and at the mZ4. I drove the MZ4 and think it's very nice but it's too small for anyone over 6ft. Then I drove an M3 Convertable. It felt familiar, I love the SMG, the power, the handling, the sky above my head....

Then I remebered what I loved about the NSX. Not only did I have a smile every time I drove it but when I thought of diriving it. Yeah it's beautiful, unique, powerful, handles great and all that stuff, but ... it's the smile on my face.

Long story short, my M3 is for sale ( )and I have a deposit down on a red/camel 2001 NSX. (Yeah, my 95 was red and camel)

bottom line... does the car you're driving or thinking about buying put THAT :biggrin: smile on your face?

Looking forward to more of the forum...
Hugh said:
Might be ugly? Nope, there's no doubt at all. They are ugly. I'll grant you that a Boxster with PASM might have a higher lateral g threshold than a stock NSX but I guarantee you that if you take the same driver and have him/her do 5 laps around any race track on both cars, the NSX will have a lower time.

Why is it that at every HPDE that I've attended, a Boxster slammed into the wall? Oh yeah, that's right because they suck. :)

LOL. You're funny dude. Maybe you have not driven a 987S or a CaymanS and have done a back to back comparison between them and a NSX.

I've been doing exactly that for the past couple of days after picking up a 06 987S at a fairly good price. All I can say is that the particular drivers of the Boxsters that crashed probably were not good drivers in the first place.

Without even hitting the track I can say that the S that I just picked up has better handling over smooth surfaces than my NSX did with the stock suspension. The only downside that I've noticed is that over road irregularities the car does not absorb the bumps as well as a double wishboned suspension like the NSX does.

KenjiMR test drove my Boxster S and the first thing that he noticed was how responsive the handling and the brakes were as well as the amount of grip on the car. Not bad for a convertible which is precisely what the thread starter was asking feedback on.

My NSX is a NA2 and without the T top the amount of chassis flex/noise that was present was unacceptable with the stock suspension. I've only driven my NSX with the top off only once.

That being said no other street car that I've been on delivers the "cockpit" feel of the NSX and the superb shifting of the car, the only other car that gave me the same "open/airy" feeling was a formula car back in 2002 :D

Again take it as "just my 2 cents" from a NSX owner that thinks that he knows how to drive his NSX hard :cool:.

P.S. I suspect that given how well the 987S handles that I would be faster at the track with the S than with a stock NA2 NSX and that is my honest feedback.
Get the NSX. Mine is a daily driver and it works great for me. offense...but the Z4 gives me a...miata feel? Something I wouldnt want to be seen in with my guy buddy's with the top down. :biggrin: But just my .02 Make sure to get what suits you best.
That's funny OLDE GUY the Z4M is about 40kg heavier than the NSX and you call it a heavy sedan? I can't find the link between 50/50 weight ratio and not well balanced either but maybe I'm missing the point. I don't know how you drive a car at the track but it is not easy to break the rear loose with the excellent BMW DSC and differential.

-fun, lots of fun
-if you know how to drive it's a little porsche killer
-award winning, high reving bmw straight 6 engine

-very small (only as second- or third- car, fun car)
-interior workmanship










Ignore Hugh, he forgot his pills, again.
Brakes on BMW's M cars are a joke just like the stock brakes on NSX's when you push the cars at tracks that require fair amount of braking.

FR cars like the MZ4's or the E46M3's understeer like a pig and need to be trail braked in order to get the car to rotate. Compare that with how easy it is to rotate a MR platform car. You will also notice that a MR car will be able to get on the throttle sooner than a FR car after hitting the apex and heading to the track out (A RR car can get on the throttle even earlier than a MR car BTW)

DSC on both of the E46 M3's (2001 Spd/2002 SMG) that I owned were overkill for the most part except in the wet, anyone who knows how to drive fast at the track drives with DSC off. The S54 engine used to be an engine that was a ticking time-bomb waiting to go off at any moment, so maybe after 6 years they might finally have it right :rolleyes:.

I'll never buy another BMW M car until the folks at BMW decide to make a dedicated sports car instead of the overweight sedans with bigger engines and small brakes that they keep producing these days and stil call them "The Ultimate Driving Machine".

The last real "M" IMHO was the E36 M3 because it was well balanced. The E46 M3 CSL was a joke too, most of the performance was a result of the MPSC tires that it was running and not much else.

The only late model 3 series M cars that I've tracked with that were able to keep up with my NSX running street tires were dedicated track cars with money spent on suspension mods, BBK, R compund tires *and* weight reduction, I highly doubt that the 4 series M cars are that much faster.

I also seriously doubt that any M car would be faster at the track than the 996 MKII GT3 that I used to own a while back (just making fun at your little comment about the MZ4 being a Porsche killer, hehe)

Folks who think that the latest M cars are real sports cars are smoking the really good stuff, they are more GT cars than true Sports Cars, same goes with the Mercedes AMG's :tongue:
I love the Z4/MZ4/... and the new coupe is even better.

But like any BMW, you won't be the only one on your block with one. You may be the only person in your county with an NSX, atleast.

I ccould make a case for either car, because I love em both.

If you do decide on a ZM4/Coupe maybe wait for a 6000 mile slightly used one and save yourself the $7000 instant depreciation.
rickysals said:
If you do decide on a ZM4/Coupe maybe wait for a 6000 mile slightly used one and save yourself the $7000 instant depreciation.

No offense but I have to say that. That's the silliest suggestion I heard in quite a while.
The Z4 M/E46 M3 engine is a high reving, high performance engine and the way it's run-in (the first few thousand kilometer) is all-dominant for the engines life. The improper operating of the engine is the main reason for some M3 engine faults you might have heard of.

It's funny to read all the different impressions from M owners over the sea. I personally didn't notice anything concerning bad brakes or understeering like a pig, like 2slow2speed mentioned. I also can't remember reading anything about that in the M-forum I'm registerd to.
Klayton said:
That's funny OLDE GUY the Z4M is about 40kg heavier than the NSX and you call it a heavy sedan? I can't find the link between 50/50 weight ratio and not well balanced either but maybe I'm missing the point. I don't know how you drive a car at the track but it is not easy to break the rear loose with the excellent BMW DSC and differential.

-fun, lots of fun
-if you know how to drive it's a little porsche killer
-award winning, high reving bmw straight 6 engine

-very small (only as second- or third- car, fun car)
-interior workmanship


What Belt?

Also, you left out a few:
Positive: Who would steal this ugly ass car?

Negative: Unless you are really good at feeling your way around, you will actually have to look at it when you go to get into it.
If you like large price tags certainly look at the new cars.
If you like high insurance costs buy the MZ4 or Boxster S.
If you like high maintenance costs get the BMW or Porsche.
Get the MZ4 or the Boxster S...if you want to be like the other yuppies in town.

If you want one of the greastest sports cars ever produced get the NSX.
If you buy an NSX the car will receive a lot of attention from others.
If you buy the NSX, you'll forget about those other cars.
After reading the thread again I think about 7 out of 39 posts actually had some information about the car in it.

I don't get it what is it all about everyone has to post he thinks the car is ugly? I for myself think the Z4M is one of the best looking cars out there right now but who cares?

He asked for opinions on the car from owners/people who test drove it. Not if you subjective like it. Doesn't the fact some of you write it's the ugliest car on the world and you wouldn't even take it for free eliminate your interest and knowledge of the car and your ability to take part in this discussion?

Of course Hugh already flamed his 3 posts in, but does anyone else has to jump on the boat? It would be a different story if he asked if you like the styling of the car...
All In said:
Has anyone else cross shopped these two cars? Thought there may be some more impressions now that the MZ4 has been out for a while.

I'm going to put some more seat time in the MZ4, hopefully take it home for the day. Thinks it's more of a new car vs used car. Plus I would end up putting new wheels and a stereo system in the NSX which would add to the cost. Oh well still have a few more months to go till I'm ready to make up my mind.


It's funny that this thread has been revived. I recently drove the MZ4 as a friend of mine was in the market. I let him drive my NSX through the hills on the way to the dealership. Both he nor particularly I were very impressed with the MZ4. For comparison we went to drive a Boxster. There was no comparison. The Boxster won hands down.

As far as the MZ4 goes, the raw sports car feel of the NSX is completely muted on the BMW. And having to look down that hood all day long got to be a strain on my neck!
Any car guy always looks around. We can't help it.

The NSX is exotic. Drives like a world class car. And will be your best friend for years and years.

I have looked around... and every day enjoy the NSX. Having had faster, more exotic, etc.etc....

Last week I had someone shake my hand on the way out to my car in the mall parking lot.... Wanted to congratulate me on how perfect my lowered 11yr old car with 18/19 rims looked.... The week before I gave a new friend a blast around the block.... and he said it was " the best day of his life ..." Granted a young car guy... but he has seen plenty of F cars in Palm Beach...

The NSX is a rare car and needs no justification to be great.

Ownership is a joy and priviledge. Which I enjoy daily.

The MZ4 is slick.... but...... good luck finding the above...