A very helpful reading, think about it:
The integrist leader Islamic Osama Bin Laden appears like one of the possible suspects to be behind the attacks of today in the United States, although until the moment some has not vindicated them nor exists test that ties to him to the facts. " Millionaire of the terror ", " banker of the Islamic terrorism " or " enemy number one of the United States " they are some of the names that are used in the West at the time of talking about to Osama Bin Laden. Considered by the United States the greater financier of international the Islamic terrorism, to Bin Laden the responsibility of the attacks against the embassies of the U.S.A. in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998 is attributed to him, that caused 224 dead ones. Bin Laden, whose fortune is considered in about 250 million dollars, directs a denominated organization " To the Kaida " (the Base), whose aim is " the war Islamic santa against the Jews and the crossed ones ", in reference to Israel and to the West of Christian culture. It was born in 1957 in Saudi Arabia. Member of a wealthy Saudi family, is one of the twenty children of Muamar Bin Laden, a Saudi of Yemeni origin that overcame its origins farmers and it became the tycoon of the construction of Saudi Arabia. One graduated in Religion and Economic Sciences in the University Rey Abdul Aziz. In 1979, after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, it supported and it financed to " muyahidin " in his battle against Moscow and even, as of 1986, it fought personally in the front. After finalizing the war, in 1989, it returned to his country, where the high social position of its family allowed the access him to the Saudi real house. Nevertheless, from the Gulf War, in 1991, and of the support of the Saudi regime to the North American troops in his attack against Iraq, it broke with king Fahd and his family. Bin Laden makes responsible to the Saudi monarchy of to have turned its country into a " North American colony " and considers to the United States the great enemy of the Islam. Its objective, according to is saying, is to organize " true " an Islamic State in Saudi Arabia. In 1991 it left Arabia and exilió in Sudan, where during a time it directed a construction company, considered by the United States a " cover " to finance terrorist groups. In 1994, the Government of Riad retired the Saudi nationality to him and two years later Sudan, pressed by the UN, he requested to him that he left the country. One took refuge in Afghanistan, where it was welcomed on the part of the guerrilla who had fought against Russia, and, later she counted on the protection of the military service talibán that in 1996 she conquered Kabul. Bin Laden along with settled then in some place of Afghan mounts a group of loyal, the Muyahidin Jalq (Combatant of the Town). Bin Laden it is blamed to him to finance fields of training of terrorists in Afghanistan, Sudan and Pakistan; and it is related to him to integrist groups like Algerian GIA, the Islamic Yihad or the Lebanese Hizbulá. In August of 1998, the United States made responsible to him to be behind the perpetrated attacks day 7 of that month against the North American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, and that they caused more than 200 dead ones and more than 4.000 wounded ones. In addition, the Government of the United States accuses to him to have inspired or to have financed actions like the attack of February of 1993 against the Twin Towers of New York; the demolition of three American helicopters in Mogadiscio, 1993; the attack against the building of the Saudi National Guard in Riad in 1995; and the one that, in 1996, in Dhahrán, caused the death of 19 North American soldiers. Bin Laden also was accused by Russia, in August of 1999, to finance the Islamic rebels of the caucasian republic of Daguestán. In the last years, and from his hiding place of Afghanistan, the multimillionaire has sent in several occasions threats against the state