PPI Results Opinions

9 January 2010
Colchester, CT
I am thinking about buying a 1991 NSX and had it inspected by the local Acura dealer.

The PPI came back with the following negative points:

1. Leaking brake fluid from brake master cylinder and/or booster
2. Leaking oil - suspects from valve cover gasket
3. Right front door panel missing
4. Inside right front mirror back panel missing
5. Fan control speeds on climate controls not working properly

1. Wiper blades torn
2. Rear trunk struts weak
3. Has aftermarket air filter

The car has 84,000 miles. They do not have any maintenance history, so I would expect to have to do the timing belt and water pump in the near future.
I would rate the car at about 8.0 out of 10.0 for interior and exterior appearance. I can get the car for $25,000 firm.

Some on the list are pretty minor. Wiper blades and struts, and I know that I can get the Fan speed control unit from BrianK at a reasonable price.

Do any of these other items seem like deal breakers?

there is also a 1991 NSX local to me that has about 130,000 miles and has all the maintanence up to date and documented for about that same price.

Which would you consider a better deal?
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Well those things you listed on the first car is about whats goes wrong anyway,, and the last owner never cared to take care of them,, probably cuz its pricey,and no records of any work done,,, now with the 130,000 mile one,, these cars will go forever, my NSX has 119,000 miles and I saw one local to me with 180,000 there are guys on prime that have 250,000 miles and other guys on Prime are saying they have a couple with 400,000 mile,, I mean GOD,,, these things were made to drive,,, dont be scared of high miles,, the NSX is not your typical car,, ever seen a Ferrari with 30,000 miles NOPE,, they are junk,, ever seen a Lamb with 10,000 miles? nope they are junk,, a viper with 35,000 milesw nope they fall apart, list goes on and on,, but go to this link and it will help you out its a must read for future NSX owners,http://www.hondatuningmagazine.com/includes/htup_0810_acura_nsx_buyers_guide/index.html, print it and go from there good luck,,
PS. get the NSX with the high miles and the records,, you will thank- me later!!

At that price I think that you can find a better car. The lack of care that this car is showing you in the PPI might be indicative of the overall condition. For my two cents: keep looking.
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Which would you consider a better deal?

I would consider THIS ONE a better deal.

Seriously though, I know that many of them aren't in your area (with only 8900 imported throughout the production years unfortunately more time than not you are going to have to travel to get one), but check out the ones for sale by Prime Members in the For Sale Forum. There are better deals in there.
If you want to stick with NSX's in your area I would go for the one with higher mileage with the service that is up to date and has all the records.
I don't see any deal breakers on that list. The master cylinders are know to leak and the HVAC controls lights are known to break. Now are you sure the HVAC actually is broken or is the display just broken. That would be the biggest expense IMHO. You have to remember the car is 20 years old. How many 20 year old cars will have zero issues if brought to the dealer to find things. I often hear people saying stay clear of a car due to minor issues. Frame damage, repaints, engine issues, those are things that would break a deal for me personally. You also have to remember that around the 25k price range you have to give more slack versus the 45k price range.
You might be able to tell if the water pump and timing belt has been done, if it has the new water pump cover. You just won't know when it was done.

There is nothing on the list that is a deal breaker. But make sure you get a compression check also. That more important than the other stuff considering the engine is the most expensive part on this car.

Get a quote from the dealer on how much to fix all of this. Then try to negotiate with the seller to get the price down to make up some of the difference.
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I am thinking about buying a 1991 NSX and had it inspected by the local Acura dealer.

The PPI came back with the following negative points:
RIGHT FRONT DOOR PANEL MISSING - I am not sure what they mean by this one...

The car has 84,000 miles. They do not have any maintenance history, so I would expect to have to do the timing belt and water pump in the near future.
I would rate the car at about 8.0 out of 10.0 for interior and exterior appearance. I can get the car for $25,000 firm.

Some on the list are pretty minor. Wiper blades and struts, and I know that I can get the Fan speed control unit from BrianK at a reasonable price.

Do any of these other items seem like deal breakers?

there is also a 1991 NSX local to me that has about 130,000 miles and has all the maintanence up to date and documented for about that same price.

Which would you consider a better deal?

Anytime you buy a used 20 year old car you should expect to have to put some money into it. The items are not deal breakers but if the paint, interior, and engine need major work (not typical maintenance but a complete engine rebuild) then yes its a deal breaker.

When I bought my 91 with 24000 miles it had minor issues as well.
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RJD forgot to mention one more thing on the 130k car. I WAS MINE!!!

I would have added:
1. Current prime member owner +2pt
2. Exclusively serviced the last 5 years by Larry B +10pts
3. I'm just a nice guy... +1

Well I must have been. RJD is now the proud owner of my machine. I bought 4 boxes of tissues to deal wth it....

...I will be back though. Oh yes.... I will be back...

Take Care Gentlemen.
RJD forgot to mention one more thing on the 130k car. I WAS MINE!!!

I would have added:
1. Current prime member owner +2pt
2. Exclusively serviced the last 5 years by Larry B +10pts
3. I'm just a nice guy... +1

Well I must have been. RJD is now the proud owner of my machine. I bought 4 boxes of tissues to deal wth it....

...I will be back though. Oh yes.... I will be back...

Take Care Gentlemen.

Thanks Mike,
I didn't want to spill the beans on you in case you changed your mind.

You are pretty close on those additional points.<O:p</O:p
I actually added +5 because you were a nice guy and I could tell that you have really loved the car. <O:p</O:p
I certainly took into account your NSXPrime membership, and having that receipt with Larry’s name on it really sealed the deal.

And, I hated dealing with that dealer in Virginia!
I really wanted to buy from a private owner.<O:p</O:p
Moral to the story for any of you on lookers that would like to buy one - be careful of dealers unless the dealer has records - if he doesn't then the car was most likely picked up at auction and is non descript - has lots of deffered maintenance as the one in Virginia obviously had. All those things in my opinion are enough BS to send me elsewhere!

The real moral is buy from an individual that has records is a Primer is at all possible. An individual that isn't a primer is second choice to the basic dealer. Now is that to say stay away from all dealers - no - just the ones without records or that have some super low miler, no records, and needs all kinds of service but they want a ton of money only because it is a low miler - BS! If you find a dealer with a late model, all records, low mileage in perfect shape - it will be ok buy you'll pay more than you would from an individual - PERIOD!

It's your hard earned cash - be careful with it!