Potential NSX

who here is the cat and who is the mouse?.......just sayin
I am going for a Medical Field as a Career. So I make well more than what I would earn in the military. But if things get a bit difficult for the medical field by then I will join the military. Its basically a back up plan if everything fails.

What exactly is a "Medical Field"? Are you going to med school, are you going to be a phlebotomist, are you going to clean bed pans?

Historically being a Princeton/Harvard grad generally doesn't result in things "getting a bit difficult" where you then need to enlist in the army as a second lieu in your mid to late twenties.
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Can you share with us who you bank with? I think we would all appreciate a little investment advice from someone who is able to live off the interest on $60k in a bank account during economic times when you are lucky to get a point on that type of account.

My uncle last name us Snowden as ATM I cant account for his first name. If you must know I bank with Wells Fargo. I do realize alot of my information does not add up if you put it all together. Im not comfortable talking about my personal and private life over a forum that can be seen by thousands of other people. When everybody eventually meets me at a NSX event I will gladly explain everything to best of my ability. If you think im just bsing around then dont waste any more time on this subject.
What exactly is a "Medical Field"? Are your going to med school, are your going to be a phlebotomist, are your going to clean bed pans?

Historically being a Princeton/Harvard grad generally doesn't result in things "getting a bit difficult" where you then need to enlist in the army as a second lieu in your mid to late twenties.

I havent yet decided what I want to major in. I have plenty of time during college if I wish to change majors. Sooner or later once the basic years are done is when I need to make a real choice on a major.
My uncle last name us Snowden as ATM I cant account for his first name. If you must know I bank with Wells Fargo. I do realize alot of my information does not add up if you put it all together. Im not comfortable talking about my personal and private life over a forum that can be seen by thousands of other people. When everybody eventually meets me at a NSX event I will gladly explain everything to best of my ability. If you think im just bsing around then dont waste any more time on this subject.

Interesting. Maybe I have been out of the loop but I can't seem to recall a Dean Snowden being in Admissions in Princeton. You must really be able to ace those SATs without an eidetic memory (I guess that makes up for my being 3 points shy of your IQ since I am blessed/cursed with such) insofar as you can't recall your uncle's first name. Maybe it's just my family but I only called my Uncles Johnny, Eddie, Arthur and Climey and never Uncle Last Name.

And we share something else in common. I bank with Wells Fargo as one of my institutions also (did you get the personalized NSX ATM card like I got?). I need to go back to my branch to find out how I can get your apparently secret rates.
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I never once stated that I lived off my interest from my bank. I do have parents you know. They do pay everything I do and support me in everything i do.
Interesting. Maybe I have been out of the loop but I can't seem to recall a Dean Snowden being in Admissions in Princeton. You must really be able to ace those SATs without an eidetic memory (I guess that makes up for my being 3 points shy of your IQ since I am blessed/cursed with such) insofar as you can't recall your uncle's first name. Maybe it's just my family but I only called my Uncles Johnny, Eddie, Arthur and Climey and never Uncle Last Name.

Hmm good for you. Want a prize? I have a extremely big family. And I mean big. My father is one of the most known names in my family. And since I have the same name as him I have to meet ALOT of family members. Majority of my family is called by nicknames and since my uncle does not live in the same state he is rarely seen. So I think you can cut me some slack when I dont remember majority of my family that I see very rare of.
I never once stated that I lived off my interest from my bank. I do have parents you know. They do pay everything I do and support me in everything i do.

I guess I misunderstood what you meant when you posted you were taking interest from your 60k trust fund. I have to admit I was curious about that as well since as a minor you generally don't have the ability to personally withdraw that interest since it was set up in trust for you.
Hmm good for you. Want a prize? I have a extremely big family. And I mean big. My father is one of the most known names in my family. And since I have the same name as him I have to meet ALOT of family members. Majority of my family is called by nicknames and since my uncle does not live in the same state he is rarely seen. So I think you can cut me some slack when I dont remember majority of my family that I see very rare of.

I can see your point. Unfortunately my family is very small so I guess I have an edge in knowing their actual names.

That must be the same with Princeton being a big University. They don't seem to recall a Dean Snowden in Admissions either.

Must be a really big school. Sorta like your family.
You must have some stange fetish with kids with their shirt off if you keep posting that kid. He isnt me so I would be careful. Dont want your family members to think your some kind of creepy child molester.
I guess I misunderstood what you meant when you posted you were taking interest from your 60k trust fund. I have to admit I was curious about that as well since as a minor you generally don't have the ability to personally withdraw that interest since it was set up in trust for you.

Im just letting it build up until I am of the age to withdraw it my self which I will maybe invest into a house or some sort or maybe something to help me later on down the road.
You must have some stange fetish with kids with their shirt off if you keep posting that kid. He isnt me so I would be careful. Dont want your family members to think your some kind of creepy child molester.

Once again I bow to your superior IQ and admit my foolishness in mistaking photos you posted in your Twitter and Flickr accounts identifying that crazy youth as yourself. I must also admit you are quite the cunning linguist in being able to replicate "OG speak" in your Twitter account. Tell us the truth now, do you also have an Uncle Vanilla Ice?
Im just letting it build up until I am of the age to withdraw it my self which I will maybe invest into a house or some sort or maybe something to help me later on down the road.

That would make sense if banks weren't paying less than a point on a bank account. It would also make sense if you hadn't already posted you had been taking the interest out. If you are going the conservative route with a compounding interest bank account, the key to wealth generation is the compounding part.
Once again I bow to your superior IQ and admit my foolishness in mistaking photos you posted in your Twitter and Flickr accounts identifying that crazy youth as yourself. I must also admit you are quite the cunning linguist in being able to replicate "OG speak" in your Twitter account. Tell us the truth now, do you also have an Uncle Vanilla Ice?

I wish. :frown:
That would make sense if banks weren't paying less than a point on a bank account. It would also make sense if you hadn't already posted you had been taking the interest out. If you are going the conservative route with a compounding interest bank account, the key to wealth generation is the compounding part.

Oohhhhhhh I see it now. Your getting that the 60K I have is being spent on this car. No. This 40K is from the Honda NSX in Germany. In a previous thread(Which im pretty sure you read)
I actually do find this forum quite entertaining and you sir I would enjoy meeting one day. I pretty sure for a fact we could do this all day if we meet.
Oohhhhhhh I see it now. Your getting that the 60K I have is being spent on this car. No. This 40K is from the Honda NSX in Germany. In a previous thread(Which im pretty sure you read)

Maybe you should consider the field of Ophthalmology since you see so clearly. I am myopic so I must have misread this post from you (in the previous thread - and in case you aren't following along, I refer you back to my earlier eidetic memory comment):

Consider I already 60K trustfund with my bank since the age of 5 and have been taking interest from my bank.
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This is quite the soap opera
I havent yet decided what I want to major in. I have plenty of time during college if I wish to change majors. Sooner or later once the basic years are done is when I need to make a real choice on a major.

Given your exceptionally high (albeit still not identified) SATs/ACT scores, I would imagine that if you plan on the "Medical Field" upon receipt of your Ivy clad diploma then certainly you must be aware of the science requirements that must be satsified for a post-graduate medical degree. Surely, someone with your pedigree wouldn't stop with just a B.A.

Or do you plan on continuing with pursuing this, I mean your, B.S.?
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Ok, this is now the dumbest thread ever. Who cares what his twitter or fb says, are u stalking him? He says he loaded, let it be. OP you want an nsx, get one. Post a pic and leave it at that. I wasnt expecting the entire 3rd page to be a member defending and another firing shots, i mean really, whats your obsession with calling him on every post? Maybe the germany car is bs, maybe its not. Maybe ivy schools are bs, maybe not. But admitting he gets help from parents, is single and admitting he doesnt pay for much, accumulating 40k ir less isnt a hard task for most established adults. My dad can go buy a ferrari cash, so if i said i was getting an nsx as a gift for 40k and ppls knew my background its not unbelievable. At first, i felt the OP was being lame with his crap posts but it seems he is trying his best to answer everyones questions. This is a car forum, not the FBI to investigate his life and claims. Leave the kid alone, everyone is allowed to dream. OP, unless you have a serious question, i would stop posting in this thread as it has nothing to now do with your car at all.
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Because it's fun to mess with trolls who trip over their own lies. Even Leonard seems to be enjoying it. I agree with him that irrespective of the fabrications it would be enjoyable to meet up in person to continue this repartee. His dad is a military lifer so I definitely respect that and I bet that having military in the family has helped him develop his quick retorts. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe him but you gotta admire his determination to go down with the ship (sorry for the Naval reference, Leonard, Jr., in case you are following along with your son's thread)

Bread and circuses. Need to keep the Primates smiling.......
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RSO wow. I think a few words contained in a number of your posts I had to look them up LOL

whats amazing is he keeps defending after repeated blows below the belt.

I probably would have just stopped posting and stop wasting my own time not to mention other members time.

but I do have my popcorn out waiting for someone to book tickets to fly and meet this kid and smack him around a little.

oh wait we all forgot he is a Black belt in Jeet Kune Do. and his uncle's brother trained with Bruce Lee before the Heroin addiction.

I would rather read than post in this thread so I am only gonna post if it gets even more interesting.

WOW. kinda looks like he might be related weird


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I have to admit that I'm jealous since your IQ beats mine (168-165) and I graduated top of my high school class with a 1427/1600 SAT and couldn't even get wait listed.

Geez Bob, must have been a tough recruiting year. I was #7 out of 470 and 1320/1600 and I got on the WL. I ended up at Cornell, which of course is the best Ivy of them all...though I might be a little biased. :D Go BIG RED!!! :cool:
Geez Bob, must have been a tough recruiting year. I was #7 out of 470 and 1320/1600 and I got on the WL. I ended up at Cornell, which of course is the best Ivy of them all...though I might be a little biased. :D Go BIG RED!!! :cool:

I have come to learn later that they simply had a full complement of NYC kids with good numbers and wanted a greater demographic mix of students. I believe they still follow similar admissions policies. Not regretting it, though, since a city kid like me from a working class family definitely would be out of place and it would have been quite intimidating for me.

I had my plans set early on anyway since I wanted to be an attorney and originally was going through the Fordham 3/3 program (3 yrs undergrad instead of 4, early admission to Fordham Law and my bachelors would be conferred upon my receipt of my JD - no JD, no b.a.) Got a full scholarship to Fordham and did the full four years undergrad to finish off my debating career there and then did my 3 yr stretch in Fordham law.

But I digress.......

Now back to the show..........