Potential NSX

5 September 2011
Atlanta, GA
I am looking for a great deal on a NSX. I was wandering if any fellow members have any recommendations on a NSX that price is around 40K.

Thank you.
There are a lot out there. Is there a paticular year your looking for? Modded/unmodded? Mileage? Got to give us more info. AutoTrader, NSXPrime For Sale section, and ebay are great areas to look. Take your time figure out what you want. If there is NSX out of your area many members would enjoy looking at it for you.
There are a lot out there. Is there a paticular year your looking for? Modded/unmodded? Mileage? Got to give us more info. AutoTrader, NSXPrime For Sale section, and ebay are great areas to look. Take your time figure out what you want. If there is NSX out of your area many members would enjoy looking at it for you.

I would prefer a stock NSX with GPW color. But I am interest in all colors none the less. Mileage as low as possible but I dont wish to discourage anybody.

Thanks for your help.

P.S I would love it to be a Targa if possible. Just something about a Targa I love.
Man with a handle like you have you'd think you already knew where to look and what was a good deal. "04HondaNSX" - would make one think you used to own an 04 - and if you're looking for an 04 then you better get some more bucks cause you won't find a real nice one for that!!!

What is it about people wanting a "great" deal - what is that? Is that where you find a car that is completely up on maintenance with nothing for the new owner to do but get in and drive for years with just oil changes, etc. and get it for 5k less than it's worth if they had to perform the maintenance themselves??? Geeze guys we're all looking for that one and if you find a sucker, excuse me, someone that would sell it for that then let us know and we'll give him a list of cars to go buy, fix up and resell to us for what he paid for it......:rolleyes:

Now you could mean that you just want a real nice one that is in great shape and low miles or not and you're willing to pay the premium to get it. Cause believe me -the good ones no matter what the mileage is, with all the maintenance up to snuff and lots of records and history, then you'll be looking at the premium cars.

If you'll take on a nice one that has "needs" or what is called deffered maintenance and you are a DIYer or someone that is particular about who works on your car and you want it done just the way you'd do it cause you are soooo particular well then you might find a "deal" but you'll then have to sink you're own 5k to 7k in it. Or what ever the parts are and DIY yourself till the cows come home.

Ok guys what have I left out??? Shawn, Doc John, Honcho, etc., what am I missing here?

Good luck with the search and all the best - there is a Prime Market full of cars and they're probably all pretty fairly priced I'd say....have fun!
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Right you are Shawn, I just saw that one after I posted to this one - damn - a lot of water over that damn right? WOW. I just read the last page and I remember looking at the post about the RHD car. I haven't revisited it in a long while - obviously there are 7 pages to read ....wow. Ok, seems like this got kind of bad for the kid or something like that. I'll read it.

Also it seems this was all happening in my back door here in Atlanta. Oh boy.... thanks buddy,

here is what most people who are really going to buy a car do....look for a car , find 2-3 solid examples and pick one.If you have specific links to each car then post them and prime will help you....but to just blankly ask the internet for a "great deal" is absurd.
Im not looking for criticism, I have searched prime for a few NSX's. I have set 40K as my personal budget. Its pointless for me to buy a car I cant drive due to it being so rare. I would much rather have one with a decent amount of miles and still suitable as a Weekend car or a 3 days out the most of the week. I have seen some NSX's although on prime that are potential buys. I was just interested in other members opinions on cars they have seen and personally recommend for a future buyer.
Now that your girlfriends father/your father in law realizes he can't give you that 2004 rhd from Germany as your 17th birthday present have him pony up the cash for something here.....
Now that your girlfriends father/your father in law realizes he can't give you that 2004 rhd from Germany as your 17th birthday present have him pony up the cash for something here.....

Exactly what I'm doing now. If you can help thanks if not still thanks.
Just take $40k cash and invest in something. Or drive the car for 2 months and sell & invest in something.

Well I was hoping to spend about 30 or so on a NSX then use the rest for my 190E and have it made into the 3.2L AMG model of the 190E or just buy the C36.
I recommend 93-94 for the following reasons:

1. earliest years with pretty much none of the bugs/problems that occured with the 91-92 (snap ring, climate control, etc.)
2. 93 is the first year they offered passenger air bags
3. OBD-1 ECU lends to easier modifications such as turbo and blowers with less likely-hood of a CEL being thrown.
4. earlier years are cheaper in general and can free up some $$ for other things like wheel/tire upgrades, suspension, exhaust, etc. (stuff the NSX should have come from the factory in the beginning)
I recommend 93-94 for the following reasons:

1. earliest years with pretty much none of the bugs/problems that occured with the 91-92 (snap ring, climate control, etc.)
2. 93 is the first year they offered passenger air bags
3. OBD-1 ECU lends to easier modifications such as turbo and blowers with less likely-hood of a CEL being thrown.
4. earlier years are cheaper in general and can free up some $$ for other things like wheel/tire upgrades, suspension, exhaust, etc. (stuff the NSX should have come from the factory in the beginning)

Thanks you BATMAN. I was wandering is the "snap ring" issue a really big deal or is just something your NSX'ers like to avoid.
Thanks you BATMAN. I was wandering is the "snap ring" issue a really big deal or is just something your NSX'ers like to avoid.

it's BATMANs. :tongue:

But ur velcome.

Yea, most people fix it if the VIN falls in snap-ring range. If that's done then there is nothing to worry about.

I really dun know much about the climate control repair costs.

I will say that since the 91-92 NSX dun have passenger airbags, that there is actual usable space in ur glove compartment.

Passenger airbags in the NSX is an "after-thought".
I might have to consider the Year range you recommend. I would prefer to have that extra airbag. Dont want anybody to get hurt. These days people drive with no care of another life.
D'Ecosse is a well respected member of the community, he used to be much more active than now. That said I would say that cars worth checking out if it's in your budget and suits your preferences.

I do like the car and price is very reasonable. My girlfriend has something against red cars. Why?? I have no idea. But its my car. I do wish he was closer.
I am looking for a great deal on a NSX. I was wandering if any fellow members have any recommendations on a NSX that price is around 40K.

Thank you.

Okay...you are aware that 'wandering' and 'wondering' are two totally different words, right? I would call it a typo if you did not do it ALL THE DAMN TIME!!

I also 'wonder' how you say (in this very thread) you are looking for a low mileage car, and then 1 DAY LATER you say you want one with some mileage because low mileage and not driving it makes no sense. You say you want to spend $40k, then the NEXT DAY you say your NSX budget is only $30k and you want to buy a C36 AMG (those cost more than the $10K difference by the way). On top of that, you then say you want a Grand Prix White targa. Let's see, a super rare combo, and you want to get it for $30k. Dude, do you really have this much free time and such a lack of consideration for other people's time?
Okay...you are aware that 'wandering' and 'wondering' are two totally different words, right? I would call it a typo if you did not do it ALL THE DAMN TIME!!

I also 'wonder' how you say (in this very thread) you are looking for a low mileage car, and then 1 DAY LATER you say you want one with some mileage because low mileage and not driving it makes no sense. You say you want to spend $40k, then the NEXT DAY you say your NSX budget is only $30k and you want to buy a C36 AMG (those cost more than the $10K difference by the way). On top of that, you then say you want a Grand Prix White targa. Let's see, a super rare combo, and you want to get it for $30k. Dude, do you really have this much free time and such a lack of consideration for other people's time?

My MAX budget is 40. I would prefer to pay 30 and leave money for other things. There is a C36 AMG here in atlanta for only 5 Grand. Im only asking help from those who wish to help another being. If you dont have enough time then simply dont comment. Nobody is forcing you to comment you know.
My MAX budget is 40. I would prefer to pay 30 and leave money for other things. There is a C36 AMG here in atlanta for only 5 Grand. Im only asking help from those who wish to help another being. If you dont have enough time then simply dont comment. Nobody is forcing you to comment you know.

Here is my comment....you are a broke a$$ time waster. There is a 14k mile NSX online for sale right now 'in your budget'. Buy that one, big baller. It is even Grand Prix White!