Possibly buying a nsx - need more confidance!

23 July 2006
Hi, I joined the boards because I finally decided to pull the trigger and make an offer for a NSX. At first, I was just surfing the web and curious about the NSX. So I did some research. After lurking on these forums for about a week, I'm now pumped up to buy one.

The good: The car is immaculate and I can afford it. But if the deal doesn't happen, I can walk away.

The BAD: I do have gitters about spending approx. $60k on a used car with several thousand miles.

1. How did you guys decide on the color? In my previous buying experiences (2 new cars), I never ended up with the color that I originally thought of, but what I did end up with has made me happy. For instance I originally wanted a white van, but they only had it in silver, which ended up to be even nicer.

2. How has buying a car like this affected your life? For instance, if you live in a middle class neighborhood, do you stick out like a sore thumb. I'm a very low key person who doesn't want attention. But I'm cookoo about my cars. Even if I was alone on a deserted island, I would still keep my cars detailed.

3. I'm generally a frugal person (when it comes to things that are not mechanical) so will I still be able to shop at walmart?

4. I read the edmund's review of the car and just like the author I'm baffled as to why the car is so expensive? The main reason why I'm buying it is because I love the exotic GT looks and it's a honda. But if you guys can give me some more objective reason to justify the expense, that would make me feel better.

gsr.sedan said:
Hi, I joined the boards because I finally decided to pull the trigger and make an offer for a NSX. At first, I was just surfing the web and curious about the NSX. So I did some research. After lurking on these forums for about a week, I'm now pumped up to buy one.

The good: The car is immaculate and I can afford it. But if the deal doesn't happen, I can walk away.

The BAD: I do have gitters about spending approx. $60k on a used car with several thousand miles.
Congrats on finding a nice car. Do you have an issue with buying a used car, or is the $60k price tag a bit tough to swallow? If so, I recommend finding an older, used NSX which would be around $25+ and up.

gsr.sedan said:
1. How did you guys decide on the color? In my previous buying experiences (2 new cars), I never ended up with the color that I originally thought of, but what I did end up with has made me happy. For instance I originally wanted a white van, but they only had it in silver, which ended up to be even nicer.
This is a personal decision. Only you can answer this question.

gsr.sedan said:
2. How has buying a car like this affected your life? For instance, if you live in a middle class neighborhood, do you stick out like a sore thumb. I'm a very low key person who doesn't want attention. But I'm cookoo about my cars. Even if I was alone on a deserted island, I would still keep my cars detailed.
Buying a car affects life same as buying anything else - it's how big of a deal you make it. My NSX is garaged, and most of my neighbors don't know I have it. I didn't buy my NSX to pose with or show off, so most of my friends don't know I own an NSX. My daily driver is a very low key vehicle.

gsr.sedan said:
3. I'm generally a frugal person (when it comes to things that are not mechanical) so will I still be able to shop at walmart?
Dumb question. I'll let you figure that out.

In general, buying an NSX doesn't make you Richie Rich.

gsr.sedan said:
4. I read the edmund's review of the car and just like the author I'm baffled as to why the car is so expensive? The main reason why I'm buying it is because I love the exotic GT looks and it's a honda. But if you guys can give me some more objective reason to justify the expense, that would make me feel better.

You're wondering why this car is so expensive? I'm wondering if you're a troll, or a young teenager who can't afford a nice car. :confused:
#3 is a bit of jest, but seriously, it's about not feeling guilty on spending so much money. I make an honest living doing labor intensive work, but I just haven't spent this kind of dough before.

Do I sound like a troll? I'm disappointed you think that. Edmunds reviews are rock solid, but they're very objective and so I'm here looking for some insight from real NSX owners.
gsr.sedan said:
#3 is a bit of jest, but seriously, it's about not feeling guilty on spending so much money. I make an honest living doing labor intensive work, but I just haven't spent this kind of dough before.

Do I sound like a troll? I'm disappointed you think that. Edmunds reviews are rock solid, but they're very objective and so I'm here looking for some insight from real NSX owners.
Edmunds review are rock solid? Really? For an NSX?

Sounds like you haven't done your homework. If you're just relying on Edmunds reviews for the NSX you've got a long ways to go in your research.

And I'm not a real NSX owner, by the way. I just play one on TV.

PS - what is confidance?
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gsr.sedan said:
1. How did you guys decide on the color?
I suggest you take a look at several of them in person. Maybe there's an NSX Club activity near you, where you can check out how the different colors look.

gsr.sedan said:
I'm a very low key person who doesn't want attention.
Then don't get an NSX. You will become known as the guy (or gal) with the fancy sports car. No matter how much you try to hide it.

gsr.sedan said:
3. I'm generally a frugal person (when it comes to things that are not mechanical) so will I still be able to shop at walmart?
NSX parts are expensive. If you are going to be upset at buying oil filters that cost $17, or tires that cost over $200 each, or clutch replacements that cost $3500 (or, if you change your mind and get an earlier NSX, $2200), then don't buy an NSX.

gsr.sedan said:
4. I read the edmund's review of the car and just like the author I'm baffled as to why the car is so expensive?
I don't know if you're referring to the editor reviews, or the reader comments. Many of the reader comments on Edmunds are written by haters who don't own the car they're dissing. The NSX isn't expensive compared with other, similar cars like the Porsche 911. If you think an NSX is the same thing as less expensive cars that may have somewhat similar horsepower or performance numbers, then you just don't get it, sorry, and you should go buy a car based on numbers instead of actually driving the car and learning how well it's designed and built.

It might also be useful to read a comparison with a couple of comparably priced cars, here.

Final hint: Try driving one. HARD. You may learn something... ;)
nsxtasy said:
NSX parts are expensive. If you are going to be upset at buying oil filters that cost $17, or tires that cost over $200 each, or clutch replacements that cost $3500 (or, if you change your mind and get an earlier NSX, $2200), then don't buy an NSX.
(Hint: Try driving one. HARD. You may learn something... ;) )

I read on here that it's less money then the maintanence on a Porsche, and you can wrench it yourself because it's honda....And I only value the editoral reviews.

I'm only interested in late 2002 and up models. I want low miles and outstanding condition, and of course I'll pay for it. I just have those last minute gitters. If it happens, it'll be the biggest car purchase to date.

NSXmas: when I said "real nsx owners", that's exactly what I mean. It wasn't a slight at you, so there's no need to get sarcastic.
gsr.sedan said:
I read on here that it's less money then the maintanence on a Porsche, and you can wrench it yourself because it's honda....And I only value the editoral reviews.

I'm only interested in late 2002 and up models. I want low miles and outstanding condition, and of course I'll pay for it. I just have those last minute gitters. If it happens, it'll be the biggest car purchase to date.

NSXmas: when I said "real nsx owners", that's exactly what I mean. It wasn't a slight at you, so there's no need to get sarcastic.
Sorry man, I'm a bit tired of newbies who don't do any research on this car, and register to post on this board, to brag about the fact they think they can buy a NSX and somehow become the "mack daddy".

If you are buying an NSX and you haven't done serious research on this board, and are just using Edmunds reviews, then you've got a lot of more research to do.

I find there have been 3 types of NSX buyers / posters on this board recently:

1 - the guy / gal who has done a ton of research on the NSX, and have carefully compared it to other vehicles, and understand the virtues of the NSX, and thus are making a very informed decision.

2 - the person who really can't afford an NSX, but want to acquire one as social status, to get the girls, impress friends, etc. This person doesn't really care about the virtues of the NSX, but want one as a superficial toy. I disdain this type of poster.

3 - the person who has no clue about the NSX, and are honest about finding out more about the NSX.

Of course then there are always the trolls.

Based on your comments about the NSX, I had a hard time distinguishing you between a type 2 or 3 poster.

I suggest if you are serious about buying an NSX, then read the FAQs, do a search on the threads here, and ask some serious questions about the NSX, and not the silly questions you have posted, which are of no real relevance when buying an NSX.
It's ironic that your giving me grief now, when it was only earlier today that I had found the FAQ in your sig [thumbs up]
Just buy the NSX! I bought mine two months ago. I paid more for mine then I have ever paid for a car before and still no regrets. Love driving it whenever possible.
gsr.sedan said:
And I only value the editoral reviews.

You should value your own review. Drive it and see. If you go into a forum for Volkswagen Golf owners, you will find enthusiasts who would most likely tell you to by a Golf if you are considering it. In here, you will generally get the same thing.

If you do not like attention, this is not the car for you. :biggrin:
gsr.sedan said:
I read on here that it's less money then the maintanence on a Porsche, and you can wrench it yourself because it's honda....
Yes, it's less than the maintenance on a Porsche, but that doesn't mean that it's inexpensive.

Yes, you can wrench on the NSX, and just about any other car, yourself, if you have the time, the mechanical ability, the place, the tools and equipment, and the satisfaction of doing so. You still have to buy the parts, though.

gsr.sedan said:
I just have those last minute gitters. If it happens, it'll be the biggest car purchase to date.
The percentage of owners who are happy that they bought their NSX is as high as for any car around. There are very few regrets (other than regrets over buying one NSX instead of another NSX).

Also, if you buy wisely (i.e. pay a fair price) and you later regret your decision - it's extremely unlikely, but let's say it happens just for argument's sake - you can always sell the car and get close to what you pay for it (assuming you don't put lots and lots of miles and years onto it).

...Does that help reduce your anxiety?
NsXMas said:
I find there have been 3 types of NSX buyers / posters on this board

You forgot about me but then again I'm in a class all by myself. What part of the US do you love in GSR? If it's South Florida I'll be happy to take you for a ride in Charlotte and fill your brain with NSX knowledge. At least you're heading in the right direction and not looking at piece of shit German or Italian car. By the way nsxtasy's advice was spot on as it usually is (except for car care products :biggrin:)
Hugh said:
What part of the US do you love in GSR?

Hugh said:
If it's South Florida I'll be happy to take you for a ride in Charlotte and fill your brain with NSX knowledge.
Yes, it helps if you show your location in your NSXprime profile, so it's displayed below your avatar next to your posts. I'm sure plenty of owners in all parts of the country would be happy to take you for a ride, maybe even let you drive. Some of us are even GS-R owners, too!
nsxtasy said:

Yes, it helps if you show your location in your NSXprime profile, so it's displayed below your avatar next to your posts. I'm sure plenty of owners in all parts of the country would be happy to take you for a ride, maybe even let you drive. Some of us are even GS-R owners, too!

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Hugh
What part of the US do you love in GSR?

You think that was a "slip of the tongue" ??? :rolleyes: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
gsr.sedan said:
It's ironic that your giving me grief now, when it was only earlier today that I had found the FAQ in your sig [thumbs up]

Don't mind the curmudgeon.... :rolleyes:

Not easy to spend $60K when you're used to (quite a bit ?) shallower waters. Trust me - I know ! :wink:

Once you decide (though it sounds like you have), pick the one you like and ask the seller if you can have it inspected, at your cost of course, at the Acura dealer nearest him. If he demures, run the other way. If he allows it, do it. It'll cost you around $100 but it'll give you piece of mind.

Once you do that remember the NSX is a Honda at heart and as reliable as any car on the road and you'll surely have less trouble with it than any other exotic on the road. You'll have trouble wiping that silly grin off your face every time you get into it and start 'er up. :tongue:

ENJOY !!! :biggrin:
Oy veh! I was practicing typing with my penis on that post and as you can see the "I" and "O" keys are kinda close together. You guys figure out the rest. :)
gsr.sedan said:
Hi, I joined the boards because I finally decided to pull the trigger and make an offer for a NSX. At first, I was just surfing the web and curious about the NSX. So I did some research. After lurking on these forums for about a week, I'm now pumped up to buy one.
The best advise you're going to get here:
1. Slow down, take your time. Personally, I spent close to a year deciding what car I wanted next. Because of that, I KNOW this is the perfect car for me, and I will probably still own it 10 years from now.
2. DRIVE every car you're thinking about at least once.
3. Read the FAQ on buying one.

gsr.sedan said:
2. How has buying a car like this affected your life? For instance, if you live in a middle class neighborhood, do you stick out like a sore thumb. I'm a very low key person who doesn't want attention.
This is probably not the car for you. You will get a lot of attention, people will stare at you every time you go anywhere. My previous car was the same way, so I'm used to it.

gsr.sedan said:
3. I'm generally a frugal person (when it comes to things that are not mechanical) so will I still be able to shop at walmart?
You will probably feel silly pulling up in a exotic supercar I would think.

gsr.sedan said:
4. I read the edmund's review of the car and just like the author I'm baffled as to why the car is so expensive?
It seems cheap to me!!! Look at how much a new Ferrari cost. The NSX would be a good deal at $180,000 IMO. $90k is a steal!
jond said:
You will probably feel silly pulling up in a exotic supercar I would think.
I've been to Wal-Mart several times when I'm at the track with my NSX - usually buying motor oil or tools, or, as this past April, for a tire repair after driving off the track. I didn't feel silly...
Hugh said:
Oy veh! I was practicing typing with my penis on that post and as you can see the "I" and "O" keys are kinda close together. You guys figure out the rest. :)

Maybe for you the keys have to be close together, but when I type with my lil smokie, I hit the escape key and back slash key at the same time.:biggrin:
I bought mine new without any hesitation and I can't keep myself out of the car. A hand built all aluminum mid engined car that is fresh as it was the day it was born 15 years ago for 90K. Even if you paid full price, it is really quite a deal....I mean it.

Yes, you will get a lot of attention, but somehow you will learn to deal with it. I take mine everywhere, including Wal-Mart. People who have money are allowed to go there, I called their corporate offices and they said it was fine.

Don't worry about what anyone else thinks on this board or anywhere else. You must decide if you are passionate about this car and none of us can tell you that. If you are really agonizing over it, then you may not be ready. You should be excited about getting this car, not looking for affirmation from us. In the end I am sure you will make the right decision……have fun…….Steve
LeftLane said:
Maybe for you the keys have to be close together, but when I type with my lil smokie, I hit the escape key and back slash key at the same time.:biggrin:

Please tell us what it's like going through life only being able to have sex with hippos and elephants.
Hugh said:
Please tell us what it's like going through life only being able to have sex with hippos and elephants.

Is it me???? Or are we notably off-topic????? :biggrin: