Poker Rally a success - THANKS LARRY B!!!!!

28 March 2002
Another great Poker Rally today as a result of the hard work of Larry B. The rain held off for most of the day which is a miracle in and of itself these days in the Northeast. I believe the final tally was 22 NSX's travelling through the mountains into the Woodstock area where the group gathered in a private room in a local restaurant for lunch and poker/raffle activities.

We always have room for more at these events so if you read these posts and look at the photos and say to yourself you wish you had gone, make sure to check for all activities and sign up for one or more. The New Hampshire rally is next in September and Rich H. promises us the ark will be completed, the flood waters will recede and the sun will finally make an appearance as the summer slips away.

Great job Larry!


p.s. and I never want to disappoint DocJohn, so as always here is a link to some photos..........
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Thanks, Larry, for the great event!!

I got back late last night (heavy rain in the western mass), and just passed out. It was nice seeing everyone!! No speeding ticket this time!!

My pics are here:

Yes, it was early, but I was getting ready to go after filling up the gas!!
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By the time I got there, it was already 10am.. sorry about that..




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Trouble!!!! :D :D


Can someone please caption this pic???

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Restaurant parking lot (probably the best thing that has ever happened to the place ever since its inception)!!




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A room with the view!!!


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Your pictures are where?

TigerNSX said:
A room with the view!!!




None of the links work! Larry, great job, great cars, great people, weather held up for the most part!!! Lots of fun, and a great time was had by all. RSO, nice pictures, sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone, so to all I met, a pleasure, to all I saw again from the last time, good seeing you again, and to all those I haven't met, hope to see you at the next event I'm able to attend.
Great shots Bailey!

You should change the link to use the "invite" link so that everyone can view it even if not a member of imagestation. The current link requires viewers to sign up for an account.
"Share" the album with yourself by sending it to your email address. The email will contain the "invite" link that you can then cut and paste here.

p.s. did you get to see the inkjet printer results on the photos I did for Larry B.?
No...forgot all about it...but im gonna take your word on it and get it....ill just have to get a laptop so i can use it when i travel Thanks for sharing your experience and photo gonna get the 550 speedlight also in a few weeks as i will need it at the end of sept for a show.
Wow.. thanks so much for the awesome pics, Pilot!!!
Wow.. thanks so much for the awesome pics, Pilot!!!
Larry, Great Job!!

What a fun day!!

Excellent fun and great people.

Almost a perfect day, 'til the end (inside "joke").

Hope to see everyone soon.

Nice pics guys!
As good looking as the NSX is..

They even look better when there is a bunch of them! I could not join you folks because I was commited to the races at Watkins Glen this weekend. I may be able to do the NH thing, I will have to check on how many days off I have left this year! Glad you had a good time. I look forward to meeting more NE NSX people! :)
ok i got the videos transfered to my computer....but there too large to upload to imagestation ... so my choices are to chop them up into 40 meg parts and you can re-join them or someone can host them for me.
Thanks everybody, especially Larry for an absolutely incredible day!!!

Karen and I had a ton of fun!!!!

Also.............Bailey, those are IMO some of the best NSX pictures I have ever seen. Thank you so much for taking and sharing them :)

Hopefully we'll see a bunch of you in Long Island.


jadkar said:
Thanks everybody, especially Larry for an absolutely incredible day!!!

Karen and I had a ton of fun!!!!

Also.............Bailey, those are IMO some of the best NSX pictures I have ever seen. Thank you so much for taking and sharing them :)

Hopefully we'll see a bunch of you in Long Island.



Thanks so much for the complements .... its everyones appreciation that makes this so worthwhile.I will be attending the long island event .......hope to see you all there.By the way i have video of the Poker Rally but no where to host it ..but i can email the vids to members who want it.....Bailey
Can someone please host videos for Pilot!!!!!

Man.. if pics are that amazing, I can't imagine what the videos would be like....!!!

If no one can host them, could you please email them to me, Pilot??
TigerNSX said:
Can someone please host videos for Pilot!!!!!

Man.. if pics are that amazing, I can't imagine what the videos would be like....!!!

If no one can host them, could you please email them to me, Pilot??

You can call me Bailey....Problem is aol only allows me to upload 16 megs on a email so there will be alot of parts and you will have to join them ...the other thing is if you get aol instant messenger then i can send you the whole file in full.....i have two DV tapes file is 259mb/ 25 minutes .......part two is 605 mb/1hr me or instant message me and i can send it to you.
Thanks Guys!


Thank you for your kind words. We had a great day and as you know it takes many people working together to get these events to happen.

I would like to thank the following people:

First and foremost my wife Sissy (you know the "rally girl":)), who behind the scenes did a lot of work. My daughter Stephaine for her hard work, packing the rally packets and bags, driving the route and writing the instructions, going shopping for the goodies, it just goes on and on. (The Bastanza girls really went all out for us!)

Peter and Sylvia Mills for their support and kind words.

Doc John and LarryG for being the "dealers" at the first two checkpoints.

And a huge Thank You to our sponsors:

Zymol: Vicki Kopjanski, Laura Lee Robinson, Chuck Bennett
Cobalt Friction: Andie Lin
Hondacuraworld: Tim Poliniak
Dali Racing: Mark Johnson
Science of Speed: Chris Willson

Please support them as they have supported us. We had some great raffle gifts, and I know everyone was appreciative:).

And also, thanks for all of you who came out, regardless of the NE weather, because the people make the event, and it was great fun. Hope to see you all in New Hampshire on 9/20!!

mmm....... Where to we go next year????:)


ONE MORE NOTE: Since I am getting old and have CRS (Can't Remember S&*t) could the folks that won the SoS products please private me.
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GREAT JOB LARRY! Hope you had the opportunity to enjoy some of it.

Thanks for all the pictures gentlemen.

Looking forward to seeing everybody again in LI.
