Please renew my faith in humanity

(6 - 1) x (0 + 2) / 2 = 5

Always do adding and subtracting 1st before multiply and divide.

It also applies to the post #1 by Vegas NSX. So the answer is 0
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(6 - 1) x (0 + 2) / 2 = 5

Always do adding and subtracting 1st before multiply and divide.

It also applies to the post #1 by Vegas NSX. So the answer is 0

but the equation was written without parentheses is how i read it. if there were ( ) then yes the answer is completely different. and i don't think u should put ( ) when it wasn't written like that in the beginning.
but the equation was written without parentheses is how i read it. if there were ( ) then yes the answer is completely different. and i don't think u should put ( ) when it wasn't written like that in the beginning.

It is a trick question. You need to separate them out by using ( ). It is always and general rule is to do the adding and subtracting 1st before multiply and/or divide.
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If you insist on using parenthesis to make it clearer, the second problem would be written as:

6 - (1x0) + (2/2) = 7

Not as:

(6 - 1) x (0 + 2) / 2 = 5

1. The rule of thumb when using parenthesis as I indicated early. First, group them together in the way that I can add them and/or subtract them first . Then, use those 2 answers to multiply or divide.

2. Unless, it is given like this: 6 - (1x0) + (2/2). Then you have to start within the parenthesis.

3. Otherwise, if it is given this : 6-1 x 0+2 /2 , then the rule 1 applies.
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1. The rule of thumb when using parenthesis as I indicated early. First, group them together in the way that I can add them and/or subtract them first . Then, use those 2 answers to multiply or divide.

Joker, with all due respect, you are WRONG. Look up PEMDAS. You've got it exactly backwards. You multiply/divide first. After those operations are completed, then you add/subtract.
You shouldn't. While the problem is simple and learned in grade school, there is very little relevancy or association to that exact form in every day life. Math adheres to strict rules that most people do not deal with or have to use day to day. So when presented with the problem many years later, 5, 10, 20+, the expectation is that you really can't answer it with any certainty.

What is important is when explained, you either understand, or remember quickly why the answer is what it is. Then you can go back to every day life , and completely forget again. :smile:

True. Here's a real life experience. This is more scary.

Cashier: Sir, total is $10.15
ME: OK, here's a $20. Oh wait, I got 15 cents here.
Cashier: Fumbles, confused, sweating, shaking a little.
ME: You can give me a $10 change.
Cashier: Still confused...
ME: (Taking back the 15 cents) It's ok, just give me the change back from what it says on the
cash register.

From this point on, I no longer do this:frown:
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Joker, with all due respect, you are WRONG. Look up PEMDAS. You've got it exactly backwards. You multiply/divide first. After those operations are completed, then you add/subtract.

My mistake! I just asked a mathematician, a friend of mine.
Joker, with all due respect, you are WRONG. Look up PEMDAS. You've got it exactly backwards. You multiply/divide first. After those operations are completed, then you add/subtract.

One thing I enjoy about math, outside of a few subjects, the answer is simply right or wrong; no bull shit. As Flaminio points out, you always multiply/divide first which is completely logical if the problem is analyzed.
Answer is 13.

You are suppose to multiply first, then do the addition, then subtraction after.

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0= ?

1st: Multiplication
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0= ?

2nd: Addition
10-1+4 = ?

3rd: Subtraction
14-1 = ?

? = 13

Although I feel like an idiot doing this.... isn't this the type of math they teach 1st graders lol.

Not quite right, although it gets you to the correct answer.

Without any parens, Addition and Subtraction are evaluated left to right, with no priority.

Multiplication and Division are treated likewise, which makes for some tricky problems as well. This one seems to trip people up frequently:

If you guys plug these mathematical expressions into Google search (substituting '*' for 'x'), Google Calculator will show you where the parenthesis are supposed to be (and of course, the answers):

6 - 1 * 0 + 2 / 2 = becomes 6 - (1 * 0) + (2 / 2) =

48 / 2 (9 + 3) = becomes (48 / 2) * (9 + 3) =
If you guys plug these mathematical expressions into Google search (substituting '*' for 'x'), Google Calculator will show you where the parenthesis are supposed to be (and of course, the answers):

6 - 1 * 0 + 2 / 2 = becomes 6 - (1 * 0) + (2 / 2) =

48 / 2 (9 + 3) = becomes (48 / 2) * (9 + 3) =

Wolfram Alpha is real good for evaluating these sort of expressions -- and it's smart enough to convert "x" to "times" and other expressions.
I always forget about Wolfram Alpha. It's so easy to highlight something in Chrome, right click and choose "search google for...". Yes, I'm lazy. :)
If you lost your faith on humanity based on an order of operations problem then I suggest that you don't turn a TV on...... ever.
Here's one that's tricky:

Evaluate 2a/2a for a=3

There's not a lot of agreement on such problems, except that they're poorly written.
Here's one that's tricky:

Evaluate 2a/2a for a=3

There's not a lot of agreement on such problems, except that they're poorly written.

If it's 2*3/2*3 then the answer is 9. If it's 2^3/2^3 then the answer is 1. Leaving out operands doesn't help.
This thread cracks me up :biggrin:

Can anybody tell that if 9+2+4=183662, then what's the answer for 8+5+3=?

Ans: ••••- - ••- ••••- • •
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If it's 2*3/2*3 then the answer is 9. If it's 2^3/2^3 then the answer is 1. Leaving out operands doesn't help.

No operands were left out -- the bits with the variables are implied multiplication. Some sources suggest that implied multiplication is of a higher order of precedence than explicit multiplication. Others don't, and are strictly PEMDAS.

All the problems in this thread demonstrate the importance of clarity. If tossing in a few extra parens makes your formula easier to read, even if they are not strictly necessary, do it.