likewise.bodypainter said:I'm always amazed at how easily people disrespect the wishes of website owners. I try to behave here just as I would if I were invited to the site owner's home.
i own ~10+ domains, have a couple of them in a production mode appropriate to their needs. since i'm not a techie, my webguy takes care of the production stuff so, though i don't do the work, i have a very good idea of the amount of work it takes to maintain a high quality/functioning website.
i also believe that s/he who goes to the trouble of creating such a site -whether they receive compensation or no - are free to set the acceptable limits as they see fit. if we, as participants, don't want to play by the rules, we can leave... no more complex than that.
me? i think what lud has created and am happy to abide by common sense rules of behavior.
be well, all - and have a good weekend.