Please HELP small little problems on 98 NSX

30 April 2005
For some reason all my little problem on my 1998 NSX are coming at me at once. 1998 NSX with 37K on it seems to have weak power when the car is not started. Such as windows and seats move really slow if the car is not off. Once the car is started they seem to work okay at normal speeds.

Next problem I am hearing a small vibration coming from the front dash by passenger seat and its driving me crazy. It not loud and goes away when I start driving. I can only hear it softly when the car is first started and not moving. Please help this is driving me so crazy I have tought about selling the car and buying a new one LOL.

And last and final problem was front end or steering feels abit lose. I had a new aligenment done and rebalanced the tires and still feels like it has some free play or something in the frontend is lose.

Please help Cheers
Small noise may be a vibration of a wire in the panel near the glove compartment. You are sure it isn't something in one of the compartments? In regards to the slow windows, is the passenger side slower than the driver? I have a 98 and I have the same issues, present since I bought the car in 2000, haven't really thought about it since it works fine otherwise.


Since you say things work better when the car is running, you may have a weak battery, or dirty connections. The windows and other electrics run off the battery when the car is not running, but off the alternator when running.

Can you describe the noise a little bit further?
Clean up the battery connections.

Next problem I am hearing a small vibration coming from the front dash by passenger seat and its driving me crazy.

I'll bet it is your rear view mirror. Compress the edges when the noise happens...I solved the problem by stuffing thin cardboard along the bottom .

Drove me up the wall!!!

Dracon said:
I noticed my passenger window is slower then the drivers side. Maybe thats a common problem?

I have the opposite problem on my 98 as the passenger side window is very quick and the driver's side is slower. Helps when the car is running but... I'm on the original battery. I'm guessing that has something to do with it.
Da Hapa said:
I have the opposite problem on my 98 as the passenger side window is very quick and the driver's side is slower. Helps when the car is running but... I'm on the original battery. I'm guessing that has something to do with it.
I guess it's because you use the driver side window much more often (same here on my '98). Regreasing may help, I don't think it's the battery's fault.
I second the thought your buzzing is from the rear view mirror. I too had this problem with my '96 until I had a remote V1 display placed inside the assembly. I haven't heard a noise from it since..........

Best of luck,