Please help deport this !$#4 back to Cambodia

Single white male seeks Cambodian woman. Oh, never mind.
Valid reason for annulment: The consent to the marriage was based on fraud or force.

check out this story (text below):,2933,314980,00.html

"Most married sweeties send their honey chocolates or flowers on Valentine’s Day. But Antoinette Walters Janda filed for an annulment of her sexless marriage on Feb. 14, 2007, claiming that her husband, Jiri Janda, married her with no intention to honor his marital obligations — most notably the time honored tradition of marital intercourse. And, annulment could mean deportation for the ex-husband."

Wow talk about "put out" or "get out"!

Most marriages are ruined because of a guy's need to get it on, not the other way around. :tongue:
The proper payback is to hire out RSO 34 to come up with a series of counter scams and stalling tactics to string her along a very fun and entertaining ride and post everything up on Prime. :biggrin:
Sorry for your friend. He has been caught in the cambodian family habits. In the country, families always look for the richer husband for their daughter. It is not a matter a love, just to ensure prosperity to the family. These are social habits. I they have the chance to find a westerner husband, if they accept the loss of traditions, they understand that it is "bingo" (= money + nationality).

The ascendancy of the family over the daughters there is so strong that we cannot blame the girl herself. The westerner should not be naïve and consider that perhaps 1 girl over 10 has the chance to be independant enough from her family to be honest in love.
Sorry about your friend..
But, This is good stuff.
I believe they have to be married for atleast 2yrs for her to get her citizenship. Don't quote me on that. but, i had a friend that went through somewhat the same situation. It took them 2 years for his wife to be a US citizen.fortuntely they are still married.
But, definately get a divorce first..look for an INS attorny
see what you can do.
I for one would want to deport her if this happened to me..
Trickery on both parts.. bites ya in the ass.

I know some hot single Viet and Russian girls. You have to be up front with them tho. Can't tell them you are rich and own all kinds of great stuff, then they get here and you have crap, small apartment, no NSX.. They'll leave too.
I don't understand.....your friend is too ugly to find a woman here in America? What is the purpose of finding love or buying love across the ocean? The way I look at it, your friend didn't get married for love, he is too desperate and bought a puss.y. Now that the cash ran out, he's crying for it?

Bringing another woman from another country, you have to teacher everything from our culture to ketchup bottle. There are plenty of women here in America...................
Ok, i need some advice here. My friend (really, its my friend) met this cambodia girl through her aunt. after a year of talking to each other, they go married and she came to the US. So far, she has only lived in the US for about 3 months. She has her SS, Green Card, ID. She then suddenly left to FL to live with her cousin and they both kicked out my friend. so he went back to GA.

My friend also has recorded a conversation about how the Whole Cambodia family is doing this marriage fraud so that their whole family can come to the US.

My friend is piss, and wants to deport her back to cambodia. How does he proceed in this matter. Please help me out.

This happens in Australia too (usually after one year-immigration reasons i think, i'm not sure). Can't always blame the woman for wanting to increase her quality of life. Painful for those actually seeking true love. My friends mother did the same (legally, she's/they are filipino) >She has spent thousands of dollars trying to get her eldest son into australia but he's too old, no money and not enough qualifications. She has been following the law and has gotten nowhere. Some people are sincere, some aren't.

You're friend can't find someone who is already in America? Sadly the women i know were all married to men who wanted slaves (cook, clean, sex) more than a companion (also a lot older). Seen it first hand with three couples, they wanted to get rid of their 'husbands' as soon as possible and after meeting them (the husbands) i could see why. Two way street, your friend was unfortunate.
As long as your friend still has the receipt he should be able to return her. Just take her by the closest Walmart and either do an exchange or get a refund. They can put it back it back on his credit card, or if he paid cash they make you wait 12-14 days for a check.

As long as your friend still has the receipt he should be able to return her. Just take her by the closest Walmart and either do an exchange or get a refund. They can put it back it back on his credit card, or if he paid cash they make you wait 12-14 days for a check.


not pc, but it was funny:biggrin:
As long as your friend still has the receipt he should be able to return her. Just take her by the closest Walmart and either do an exchange or get a refund. They can put it back it back on his credit card, or if he paid cash they make you wait 12-14 days for a check.


Damn what isle are they on?
As long as your friend still has the receipt he should be able to return her. Just take her by the closest Walmart and either do an exchange or get a refund. They can put it back it back on his credit card, or if he paid cash they make you wait 12-14 days for a check.


Where do I order? I'd be all anxious like Steveny and his turducken...
As long as your friend still has the receipt he should be able to return her. Just take her by the closest Walmart and either do an exchange or get a refund. They can put it back it back on his credit card, or if he paid cash they make you wait 12-14 days for a check.


Holy S%#t I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Not so much the picture (although funny) but more the "as long as you have the receipt" and "take her to the nearest Walmart". Too funny.

Thanks Captain....
Holy S%#t I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Not so much the picture (although funny) but more the "as long as you have the receipt" and "take her to the nearest Walmart". Too funny.

Thanks Captain....

I don't See the receipt anywhere in or around the box..
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puahahahaha!! thats too what aisle are we talking about? :biggrin:
Believe it or not, the Walmart food section. The box is labeled "Chop Suzy". :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

GO MY GAWD! Too funny. I am laughing my butt off. Thanks.