Planning a trip to San Fran

26 September 2003
I need help guys.
I booked a flight to San Fran in May with my gf for her birthday and this will be my first time to visit the city. Can you guys help me with recommendations for the following?

hotel - want it to be nice but don't know which area to book in

things to do and see - she wants to do a napa tour so i figured we could spend a friday doing that but wanted to know if there was a particular tour that you natives preferred. as for other activities, alcatraz, fisherman's wharf and chinatown were on my radar. am i missing anything else?

and if there's anything else i am missing, clue me in please.
we are doing a thur night through sunday trip (to give you guys an idea of how long we were going to be there)

thanks for your useless help bat.
you do realize there is an off topic forum for being a dumba$$.
Tough to do in this forum... a phone call would be best. Private me your phone number and best time(s) to call.
Tough to do in this forum... a phone call would be best. Private me your phone number and best time(s) to call.


If you want additional suggestions, PM me your phone number as well, and I'll see if I have any alternatives to SFNSXguy's thoughts.

really BATMANs??? that was UN-called for, way to represent the NSX Bay Area community :rolleyes:

thanks for your useless help bat.
you do realize there is an off topic forum for being a dumba$$.

Matt, on be-half of the Bay Area NSX community please accept our apology.

I'm am absolutely positive that both SFNSXguy and Yawnn will be able to assist you with your inquiry for recommendations.

Thanks to the guys who offered their assistance. I've got many many ideas now. I just need to weed it down to the best ones.
Thanks for your offer. I'll hit you up in a few just to bounce a few ideas.

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I took my gf there a few months a go for our valentine. Around the time, they had the chinese new year celebration. I rented a beach house in pacifica. It's a small town not too far from the city. Peaceful with nice view.
as far as doing things, what we did was just get a map and went exploring. Check websites to see what kind of events will be going on around the time that you're visiting. I got piss drunk off of wine tasting. parking is horrible. i spent more money on parking than gas lol. Toyota yaris FTW... I think my gf still have the list of things we did while we were over there. I'll ask her whenever I see her.
Thanks to the guys who offered their assistance. I've got many many ideas now. I just need to weed it down to the best ones.
Thanks for your offer. I'll hit you up in a few just to bounce a few ideas.

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If you go to Napa, suggest going to Franks Family and Cakebread wineries. Napa wine tasting is best done as an overnighter as driving back to SF is not recommended if doing wine tasting. Have fun. siD