Places to buy CD's other than Ebay?

6 November 2002
There's a CD that I want to buy that is no longer made anymore. I've found a few for sale on Ebay for about $25. The price doesn't bother me. I really want it. I just HATE dealing with dinks on Ebay. Are there any other sites out there that you can recommend for me? I'd love to just walk into a store here and buy it in person, but like I said, this CD isn't made anymore.
Thanks guys. I checked They don't have it. I then checked They had 3 copies. One was brand new for $120.45! :eek: I think I'll check a few more used record stores around here and if I have to, I'll take my chances with Ebay. Thanks again!
schuey1010 said:
May I ask what CD you are looking for?

Yeah, I guess I should have said what CD it was. I doubt anyone even has it. Most people have never heard of her. Her name is Linda Perry. The name of the CD is After Hours. It was her second and last solo CD from about 10 years ago.