Sorry to hear about the bathroom and the DD.
I have my grandma's WRX Wagon (02) for sale on CL. She lived in DC, so it's bumpers are scuffed, and sadly someone keyed the driver side while she was there. I inherited the car and shortly after shipping it got under it to get a bit of a shock... After a new power steering rack, timing belt, water pump, and driver-side axle, it seems to be good now.
However, since it's a DC and New Mexico car, I was going to spare it from winter. I'm not even sure it has all-seasons on it currently. I'm currently using it for some of my work-commutes so that the car can pay for itself w/ mileage reimbursements. I'm debating having the key marks fixed. If you're other leads don't pan out and you end up in a pinch, let me know.
North Hills Auto Mall always has cheap cars. Not always the best quality stuff, but they should have a good winter beater.